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Add Widgets to Your Project

Add widgets to customize the presentation of information on your site.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 5 months ago

Widgets display in your project's side panel content area, allowing you to present project information in small snippets for your community. Widgets help your community understand projects with supplemental information, such as images, videos, sign-up links, important links, dates, and documents.

You can add widgets to any project and copy the content from most of them.

There are 14 widgets to choose from:

  • Documents: a document library to share key project documents - copy function available

  • FAQs: answer common questions about the project - copy function available

  • Important Links: group useful resources about your project - copy function available

  • Who’s Listening: tell your community which staff are listening to them - copy function available

  • Photos: include a photo gallery on your project - copy function available

  • Videos: include a video for your project - copy function available

  • Key Dates: highlight important dates for the project - copy function available

  • Signup Banner: encourage users to register and participate

  • Lifecycle: outline your project’s timeline - copy function available

  • Custom: build a custom widget for your project - copy function available

  • Follow Project: include a follow button to encourage participants to stay updated

  • News Categories: add categories to organize your news feed

  • Related Projects: display related projects to drive engagement

  • Quick Polls (also a tool): display a Quick Poll as a widget

Add a Widget

To add a widget:

  1. On your project page, select the Add Widgets button in the right-hand side panel. If you have any active widgets, they will also be listed here.

  2. Select the widget you want from the list.

  3. Configure your widget’s settings, then Save & Close it.

  4. You can edit an existing widget by selecting the title, Delete a widget using the bin icon, or use the drop-down menu to Show or Hide it.

All widgets have their own configuration tools; you can find detailed instructions for each in the Widgets collection of this help desk.

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