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Survey Analysis

Explore your survey insights with survey analysis, featuring filter, compare and crosstab (cross-tab) functionality.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over a week ago

EngagementHQ Survey Analysis is built to help you explore survey data and draw out valuable insights without having to know how to use or have access to third-party software.

There are 3 types of analysis available. These include;

  • Filtering: This allows you to narrow your inquiry to look at something specific

  • Comparing: This allows you to compare variables side by side

  • Cross Tabular: This allows you to filter and compare in a single query

To access the tool, go to the Reporting section of EngagementHQ, and click on Survey Analysis from the drop-down menu.

This will open the Survey Analysis tool.

Next, you will need to select the analysis option you wish to apply. 

Below, we explain how to use each analysis option as well as provide some considerations for using each option.


Filtering allows you to narrow your query by selecting a range of variables to filter your results.

When to use it:

  • If you want to see how a particular demographic answered your survey (you must build these questions into your survey from the beginning)

  • Explore how participants who answered a certain way on one question responded to all other questions. ie. How did all of the people who reported being satisfied with the planned traffic changes answer other questions?

What logic is used?

Filtering responses use the AND logic to narrow responses. 

For example, a filter to look for females AND aged 20-30 AND who live in Bangalore AND who have pets, will display results that satisfy all of these conditions.

To begin, select Filtering responses from the first dropdown box at the top. 

Ensure that the correct survey is selected from the second dropdown menu.

Next, select all the variables you would like to use to refine and narrow your query.

You will notice that you can only select quantitative questions to use as filters and you can choose from survey questions as well as sign-up form questions to filter your results.

Make sure you select as many filters as apply.

After you have selected a question, next you will need to select a response to that question. Click Apply to add the filter to your query.

You can keep track of the filters which you have applied by viewing the Filters Applied strip underneath the drop-down menus.

Add further variables by repeating the process or remove unneeded filters by clicking on the 'x', next to the filter applied. 

Use the Clear button, to remove all the filters applied.

Once the filter is applied the new responses are displayed on the screen.

The filter and the number of responses skipped will be displayed at the bottom of each survey question.

Note -

  1. Postal codes are not available as a filter from the signup form

  2. In the web view of the Survey Analysis report, only the first 500 responses will be shown.

Comparing responses

Comparing responses allows you to compare two or more variables side by side.

When to use it:

  • If you want to compare how a particular demographic answered your survey side by side (you must build these questions into your survey from the beginning). ie. Show me a comparison of how all the men and women answered by survey questions.

What logic is used?

Comparing responses uses the AND logic to compare different variables from within the same survey question. 

For example, when comparing answers based on gender, the AND logic is used to say show me the male AND female responses side by side.

To begin, select Comparing responses from the first drop-down box at the top. 

Select the question you would like to use for your comparison. Again, this might be a survey question or a signup form question. Select the variable which you would like to compare and click Apply.

Your survey report will now show a comparison of the variables you have selected.

In the example below, you can see how male and female respondents answered the question, "when were you born?".

For text responses, the comparison will be made using a tabbed structure.

Below you can see an example of how people from Victoria and Brisbane answered the question "Do you have any comments about the conference program or experience?" 

Cross tab analysis

Cross tab analysis allows you to filter and compare your results in a single query.

When to use it:

  • If you want to see how a particular demographic answered your survey and compare it against a range of options (you must build these questions into your survey from the beginning). ie. Show me all of the answers from people born in 1970-79 and compare how males and females responded.

  • Anytime you wish to filter by a variable or question and then compare responses from another.  ie. Show me all of the responses from people who were dissatisfied and display them by comparing business owners and workers.

What logic is used?

Cross-tab Analysis uses the AND/OR logic to display responses. 

For example, AND logic is used to combine the filtering and comparison queries, and the OR logic is used to tell the system to display results for Male or Female respondents.

To begin, select Cross-tab Analysis from the first drop-down box at the top. 

First, select the question and variables you would like to use as your filter and click Apply.

Next, chose a question which you would like to use as a way of comparing responses. Click Apply.

Your results will now display a cross tab analysis with the variables you selected.

In the example below we can now see that for people born in 1970-79, people who lived in Futurama felt very safe and people who lived in Back to the Future Town felt very unsafe.

Simply repeat this process or run another query.

The Survey analysis tool earlier facilitated only Summary PDF reports as downloads. Now we have introduced the feature of Customized survey reports, where admins have the flexibility to decide what information should be shared and can customize the information and format/layout of the survey report.

Note: 1. After applying the filters, you can download a PDF report of the same. It will have the filtered submissions in it.

2. Responses made to "Other's please specify" will be available in detailed excel report, survey analysis report, and detailed survey pdf report.

3. The PDF generator we currently use does not support Mandarin/Gurumukhi characters. We only support the Roman Script on PDFs, as of now.

What else can I do with Survey Analysis?

Use the legend next to each graph to change the way the graphs display.

Options with responses will appear first, hence the bar graph is seen on the left side only. Options without responses will appear after the first set of options and hence the bar chart is empty to the right.

If you change the on-screen display, this will also be reflected if you choose to download the graph image or a survey report.

You can download each chart individually by clicking on the icon on the left-hand side and selecting the file type which you want to export. 

Choose from PNG, JPEG, PDF, and SVG Vector images.

When using cross-tab analysis use expanded view to see answers side by side instead of on the same line.

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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