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Survey Analysis

Explore your survey insights with Survey Analysis featuring filter, compare, and cross-tab functionality.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over a week ago

The Survey Analysis reporting tool is designed to help explore quantitative survey data and gain insights into how different demographics respond to surveys.

You must already have demographic information to analyze your surveys with this data. If you use registration, you must have built these questions into your Signup Form. If you use anonymous or unverified participation, you must build the questions into your survey.

When you select a survey, you’ll see charts exploring the responses submitted. To access this function:

  1. Go to Reporting > Survey Analysis in the main menu.

  2. Use the dropdown menus to Select a project, Select a Survey, and Select a Date Range.

  3. Select Update.

  4. Choose the type of analysis you want to run; there are three types of analysis you can do:

You can also use the Download Report menu to download the Survey Responses Report, including a customized version to share publicly, a Detailed Survey Report, or a Codified Survey report.

Likert questions will be displayed in Survey Analysis and Filtered responses as a Likert chart and in split charts for each statement. This will assist with summarizing and interpreting responses to Likert questions, particularly if your questions have many statements and options. Please note:

  • The PDF report in Survey Analysis is optimized for up to 20 statements within a Likert question

  • If many options and long option labels exist, they will be paginated in Survey Analysis, but the PDF report will only show the first page.

  • Statements in Survey analysis can accommodate 110 characters before truncating, while the limit for PDF reports is 45.

Filtering Responses

Filtering responses uses “and” logic to narrow down specific responses, such as responses from participants born after 1980 and living in a specific area. Use this option when:

  • You want to see how a particular demographic answered your survey. Please note that all demographic questions must be built into your Signup Form or survey if you allow anonymous or unverified participation.

  • You want to explore how participants who answered a certain way on one question responded to all other questions. For example, how did participants who reported being satisfied with planning changes answer other questions?

To filter responses:

  1. With your survey selected, use the Select type of analysis dropdown to select Filtering responses.

  2. Use the Select one or more questions for analysis dropdown to choose from quantitative survey and registration questions to refine your analysis.

  3. Check each answer you want to include and select Apply. Keep selecting questions and answers until you have refined your analysis to your satisfaction.

  4. Each filter you add is visible under Filters Applied. Select x next to a filter to remove it or Clear to remove all filters.

With your filters in place, you can view the responses that match in the report. For each question, the filter and number of responses, including skipped responses, is visible below the response.

Please note that postcodes are unavailable as a filter from the Signup Form or the survey question, and the web view of the Survey Analysis report will only include the first 500 responses. Additionally, if you don’t use registration, you can use a dropdown question to analyze by location instead.

Comparing Responses

Comparing responses uses “and” logic to compare the answers side-by-side. You can use this analysis to compare how a particular demographic answers your survey. Your demographic questions must be built into your survey or Signup Form.

To compare responses:

  1. With your survey selected, use the Select type of analysis dropdown to select Comparing responses.

  2. Use the Select one question for analysis dropdown to select from quantitative survey and registration questions to refine your analysis.

  3. Check each answer you want to compare and select Apply.

  4. The variables you chose are visible under Comparing By, and you select x or Clear to remove them.

You can now compare how your chosen variables responded to your survey. Each question will include the number of responses, including skipped responses, the question type, and the variables you use to compare. You can also check Expanded View to see answers side-by-side instead of on the same line.

Text responses are compared using a tab structure; you can switch between the variables to see different answers.

Cross-tab analysis

Cross-tab analysis uses “and/or” logic to filter and compare responses in one query. Use it when:

  • You want to see how a specific demographic responded and compare those answers using different variables, for example, view all the answers from respondents born after 1980 and compare how renters and homeowners responded.

  • You want to filter by a question and compare those with other responses, for example, see all responses from people dissatisfied with recent works and display them by comparing business owners and employees.

All demographic questions must be built into the survey or your Signup Form. To use Cross-tab analysis:

  1. With your survey selected, use the Select type of analysis dropdown to select Cross-tab analysis.

  2. Use the Select questions to Filter & Compare respectively dropdown to choose which question and answer to Filter By and select Apply. You can select from quantitative survey and registration questions.

  3. Using the same dropdown, choose which question and answers to Compare By and select Apply.

  4. The variables you chose are visible under Filtered By and Comparing By, and you select Clear to remove it.

Each question in the analysis will include the number of responses, including skipped responses, the question type, and the variables you use to compare and filter.

Text responses are compared using a tab structure; you can switch between the variables to see different answers. You can also check Expanded View to see answers side-by-side instead of on the same line.

Survey Analysis Reports

With your filters or comparisons in place, you can download the Survey Responses Report in the standard PDF or customized version.

You can also download specific charts as .png, .jpeg, .pdf, .svg files.

Please note the following:

  • In the graphs, options with responses will appear first. Additionally, you can use the legend to toggle options on or off. If you change the on-screen display, this will also be reflected if you download the chart or response report.

  • Responses made to the Other option are available in the detailed excel report, survey analysis report, and detailed survey pdf report.

  • The pdf generator will only support Roman characters.

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