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Customized Survey Reports

Understand how to use the Survey Analysis tool to generate customized survey reports.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over a week ago

The Survey Analysis tool is used to generate the Survey Response Summary PDF. Many times this report is used for distribution among the council members and sometimes uploaded to the consultation to close the loop with the community. Keeping in mind the participant’s right to privacy of information and to provide admins the flexibility to decide what information needs to be shared, we have introduced the feature of Customized survey reports.

The feature allows admins to customize the information and format/layout of the survey report rather than having to present it as it is created. Listed below are the steps to access the tool and the features incorporated.

1. To access the tool, go to the Reporting section of EngagementHQ, and click on Survey Analysis from the drop-down menu. On the analysis page, once you have selected the analysis option you wish to apply, you will see the "Download report" option as highlighted in the image below.

Note: The date range All time automatically selects the start date from the day the site was launched and not from the day the site was created.

2. Click on the Download report tab. The admin has the option to either download the PDF report as it is by clicking "PDF" or choose to customize the report by clicking "Customize".

3. On clicking "Customize" the below page will be visible.

Registration Questions:

  • The Survey responses report will now include the "Registration Questions" of the participants who undertook the survey. This information will be available only for registered participants.

  • Registration Questions can be excluded, if needed, by unchecking the "Include registration questions".

  • Admins can also choose to show only specific registration questions in the report by unchecking questions that they want to exclude in the report.

4. Survey Questions:

On this page, admins can opt to:

  • Redact specific questions - Include or exclude Single Line, Essay and Email type questions by checking the "Include open questions" box

  • Redact Participant Screen names (for Open Questions)

  • Deleted questions will be excluded by default - Admins can choose to include it in the report by checking the "Include deleted-questions" box.

5. Branding & Page Layout:

  • Specify Custom Logo - Site logo will be picked up by default and the admins have the ability to change the logo if required. The position of the Logo in the report is fixed and cannot be customized.

  • Specify custom text as Cover Note - Admins can include custom text at the beginning of the report as a cover note. The custom text box cannot accommodate images or custom codes and has a character limit of 850 characters.

  • Specify a custom Header & Footer - Admins can specify a custom header and footer. This will be included on all pages except the Title page. They may also specify if the Site/custom logo should be included in the header.

The position of the Header and Footer are fixed and cannot be customized. The text for the header and footer has a character limit of 70 characters.

  • Specify custom text as Conclusion Note -  Admins can include custom text at the end of the report as a conclusion note. The custom text box cannot accommodate images or custom codes and has a character limit of 850 characters.

6. At any stage of customizing the branding and page layout, admins may opt to download the report. There is no option to preview and save the customization options. Once you move out of this page with or without downloading the report, the content added in the page layout will be removed and reset to default - blank.

The reports are downloaded as a PDF.

7. In addition to being able to download the Survey Response Report, Admins can also download the Detailed Survey Report and Codified Surveys report as well.

Note: Responses made to "Other's please specify" will be available in detailed excel report, survey analysis report, and detailed survey pdf report.

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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