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Registration process upgrade

This article elaborates on the participants view of the improved registration process.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over a week ago

Earlier when participants wanted to engage in a specific tool that allowed only registered participation, they would be shown a prompt asking to first register.

When they clicked on the Registration tab, It would navigate the user to a totally new page, eventually leading them away from the tool page.

This was confusing and lead to a lot of users not being able to navigate back to the specific tool. The upgraded Registration process has addressed this concern.

Now when users click on the "Register" tab in the prompt, the Registration page opens as a pop up in the same tool page itself, thus not navigating the users' attention away from the tool.

Here, the participant can see if the details entered are valid or need any changes and can make the change immediately, instead of seeing the error highlighted at the end of completing the form. Correct/Valid details are indicated by the green tick mark and any detail that needs correction is highlighted immediately with the relevant prompt, eg: password strength, invalid user name, etc. This real-time validation of information is very user-friendly and faster.

Once the participant clicks "Register", a 4 digit verification code or OTP is immediately sent to their mail address, in order to complete the verification process then and there. The mail also has the activation link, that users can use to complete the process, in case they are not able to use the OTP.

Note : You can include reCAPTCHA challenge on your registration form by going to the Site settings > Privacy > Enable the toggle Enable Google's "reCAPTCHA" across your site

Once the OTP is entered and you click "confirm account", the user gets a registration confirmation message intimating that the site registration is complete.

On clicking "continue" the user is signed in on the respective tool and can continue with the participation.

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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