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Tool Reporting

Understand detailed report view of every tool

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over a week ago

You can select the relevant tags or Project, a custom time frame, and then hit update, per the screenshot.

The detailed insight of each tool has the following sections -

Selected Projects - This is the first section of the report. Use the plus symbol (+) to expand the section and view the projects selected for the report. 

Overview - This is the second section of the report.

This section provides the tool summary at the top. It reports the number of stories (in this example) for all projects selected and the count of newly added, accepted and rejected.

This is followed by a bubble graph. The size of the bubbles indicates the overall submissions made to the tool’s topic, the location on the Y-axis (vertical) is the number of visitors. The location on the X-axis (horizontal) indicates when the tool was published. The colours show you what is in draft, published or archived. 

Use the button on the top right of the graph to print or download the graph. Download can be done as a PNG image, JPEG image, SVG vector image or a pdf document.

You can choose to see the details of all the stories in the selected projects or select only the one that you wish to see the insights.

Next to the bubble graph is the visitor summary. Read the article on How site visits and visitors are captured to understand this number. It also provides a summary of the number and type of contributors and responses received.

Note: The number of contributors in this section is the overall number of individual users regardless of the number of times a user has contributed to a tool.

For example: If a user takes part in multiple surveys on the project page, the number will be considered as 1

Demographics - The sign-up form questions are used to show the demographic insights. You can choose any demographic question from the dropdown box.

The button on the left can be used to print or download the graph.

Visitor statistics - This section captures the statistics for the tool for each of the projects selected. The statistics displayed is different for each tool, to showcase the insights for the specific tool. Below is an example of the Quick Poll visitor statistics.

Tool - This is the last section of the report. This is customised for each tool to display all details of the tool. For example, for polls, it shows the result of each of polls. A specific poll can be selected from the dropdown.

If you would like to view the responses instead of the pie chart, you can click on the Responses tab as shown below.

For the ideas tool it displays the idea contributions.

And similarly, for the other tools.

Note : Tools are not filtered based on the date range. A tool created earlier could continue to receive contributions in the selected period. Hence tools will continue to appear in reports irrespective of the date range chosen.

The date range All time automatically selects the start date from the day the site was launched and not from the day the site was created.

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