In EngagementHQ, there are various reports you can use to analyze your consultations. Each report can help you inspect different facets of your projects and report data back to your stakeholders.
Report Types
We offer the following types of reports:
Project Summary Report: Project overview, including Visitor Statistics, Sources of Traffic, Participant Summary, Engagement Tools Summary, and Information Widget Summary.
PDF and Excel Summary Report (downloadable): Summary data for selected projects, available as PDF and XLSX files.
Detailed Report (downloadable): Summary data and submissions for up to five selected projects, available as PDF and XLSX files.
Codified Surveys (downloadable): Codification keys for your survey questions to use with data analytics tools like Microsoft Excel and Power BI.
Demographics Report (downloadable): Download an XLSX file of participant data for Selected Projects or All Projects.
Tools Reports: Retrieve and analyze data for tools on selected projects, including an Overview, Demographics, Visitor Statistics, and Insights.
Text Analysis: Tag and analyze open-ended text responses using Sentiment Analysis and demographic filtering.
Survey Analysis: Filter survey data, compare responses, and create customized survey reports.
Submissions Manager: Review, download, and publish files uploaded in survey responses.
Please note that while most reports are updated immediately, Survey and Quick Poll tools may take up to an hour to reflect the latest data. Additionally, you must select a Custom date range with today as the end date to look at the most recent data.
Reports are available in English and French on dual-language sites.
Before you dive in, please read up on the following key metrics.
Aware, Informed, and Engaged
The Aware, Informed, and Engaged metrics are designed to track how your consultations are reaching your community.
Aware: An Aware Visitor is someone who has made one single visit to your site.
Informed: An Informed Visitor is someone who has visited your site and sought more information by clicking on something else, such as a widget document or key date. An Informed Visitor is also counted as an Aware Visitor.
Engaged: An Engaged Visitor is someone who visited your site and contributed to an active tool on a project page. Engaged Visitors are also both Aware and Informed Visitors.
These metrics help you determine how many people look at and participate in your projects. As the categories are subsets of each other, spend some time learning more about how they work and how to calculate the percentages.
Pageviews, Visits, and Visitors
EngagementHQ tracks Visits and Visitors using cookies. When someone accesses your site for the first time, we drop a cookie in that browser to begin tracking that Visitor in a unique session, which will count as one Visit. Sessions last until there are 30 minutes of inactivity. If the same Visitor returns to your site after 30 minutes have passed, it will contribute +1 to the Visit count while the Visitor count remains the same.
Pageviews differ slightly from Visits in that Pageviews are the number of times a page is loaded, while Visits track unique browsers. For example, if a new browser accesses your site in two sessions throughout the day and reloads the same page four times, your counts would be:
Visits: +2
Visitors: +1
Pageviews: +4
There are some exceptions, so familiarize yourself with the difference between Pageviews, Visitors, and Visits.