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About Summary and Detailed Reports

Understand the difference between the summary and detailed reports, and what each contains.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over 4 months ago

You can download a range of reports in the reporting section of EngagementHQ. There are key differences between them, and this article will detail the:

  • Summary Report

  • Detailed Report

Each of these reports has a PDF and Excel version, which contains different data.

download report menu in project reports

Summary Report

The Summary Report download is a version of what you see in the Project Report Summary. You can download the PDF or Excel reports for as many projects as necessary.

The PDF Summary Report contains:

  • Visitors Summary and Highlights

  • Participant Summary for Engaged, Informed, and Aware participants

  • Engagement Tools Summary for the top 3 of each tool from selected projects

  • Information Widget Summary for the top 3 of each widget from selected projects

  • Traffic Sources Overview

  • The full list of the selected projects

    PDF project summary report gif

The Excel Summary Report contains:

  • The Summary tab listing the information found in your Project Report Summary

  • VisitorSummary tab showing Pageviews, Visitors, Visits, and New Registrations

  • TrafficSources tab listing visits by Traffic Channel

  • A tab each for Engaged, Informed, and Aware participant information

  • A tab for each tool with information about Visitors and Contributions

  • A tab for each widget with information about Visitors and Views

    Excel project summary report

Each tab in the Excel summary report also contains a section for Admin Notes, and unlike the PDF report, each tool tab contains all tools from the selected projects.

Detailed Report

The Detailed Project Reports contain more information than the Summary reports and you can only download them for five projects or less.

When you download a Detailed Report, you’ll receive a zip file containing a file for each project you selected. If the report is large, you’ll receive a link to download it via email which can take up to 45 minutes.

The PDF Detailed Reports are designed to show data in an easily understood format and contain:

  • Visitors Summary and Highlights

  • The count of Engaged, Informed, and Aware participants, Informed Actions Performed, and Engaged Actions Performed

  • Engagement Tools Summary listing all tools on the project and the Visitors and Contributors numbers

  • Information Widget Summary listing all widgets on the project with the count of Visitors and Views/Downloads

  • The responses and contributions to each tool on the project, including submissions, comments, replies, and votes. Please note that the survey section will not include text responses or answers of “Other, please specify”.

    PDF detailed project report gif

The Excel Detailed Report contains all the data for your selected project and date range, including:

  • Summary tab: Visitors Summary, Project Highlights, Engaged, Informed, and Aware participant numbers and actions performed, the complete list of engagement tools and contribution numbers, and the complete list of widgets.

  • Visitors Summary tab: a graph and complete list (organized by date) of Pageviews, Visitors, Visits, and New Registrations.

  • Traffic Sources Summary tab: a graph and complete list of traffic sources used to arrive at your site, including if they led to Aware, Informed, or Engaged visits.

  • Tool tabs: there is a tab for each tool on your project containing visitor and contributor information, contribution details, and answers to the Signup Form questions. This is particularly useful for surveys as it will have each contributor’s answers to all questions, including text responses and those who answered ‘Other, please specify’.

    Excel detailed projects report gif

There are other reports you can download; look at:

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