EngagementHQ offers a range of integrations to supplement your consultations. All administrators can browse the integrations in the Marketplace, but only Site Admins can initiate them or edit the settings.
The available integrations are:
Bring Your Own Certificate: Install and manage your own SSL certificate.
Campaign Monitor: Sync your participant database and admin details into Campaign Monitor to send emails from one place.
Google Translate: Add a translation widget to your header. Please note that Google deprecated this in 2019, and if they discontinue Google Translate on short notice, this widget may stop working.
govDelivery by Granicus: Sync your verified participants to govDelivery, connect topics with projects, and allow users to subscribe so you can send communications from govDelivery.
Konveio: Embed interactive documents into your projects.
Mailchimp: Sync your participant database and groups to send emails from Mailchimp.
MessageMedia: Sync participant phone numbers into your MessageMedia contact list.
OpenCities Connector: Sync your projects to display dynamically on your OpenCities site.
Project Finder: Embed a dynamic list of projects on any external website.
Workforce Single Sign On: Enable SSO to allow admins to log in using existing credentials.
To add an integration or edit the settings of one:
Go to Marketplace from the main menu.
Select the integration from the list. You can navigate to the Access & Security, Email & SMS, or Embeds & Engagement Tools tabs to look for a specific integration.
Select the Get In Touch button to open a draft in your email client. This email is addressed to support@engagementhq.com.
Once sent and received, someone from our team will contact you to discuss the integration further.
Or, select Edit Settings to configure an existing integration.