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View and Edit Participant Profiles

View and edit participant profile and email, monitor their activity and add useful notes.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over a week ago

You can access and edit a participant’s profile from the Participant Relationship Manager. The profile includes detailed information about the participant including demographic information and site activity. You can also use the profile to block them, promote them as admins, and add participant tags or notes.

To access a participant’s profile, go to Participants in the main menu and select the participant’s Name or use the eye icon in the Actions column to go to their profile.

In their profile, you can:

  1. View the Summary of basic information, such as their Login, Email address, and if they’re Subscribed to Newsletters. This will also tell you if the participant is Pending activation, Blocked, or a Project admin.

  2. See or edit the demographic information they provided as Sign up survey answers in the Profile tab. You can also select Edit to change this information and Save when you’re finished. Participants can also edit this information once they have logged in.

  3. View the Activity tab for major contributions and submissions on your site to indicate their level of engagement. Please note that this does not include minor contributions such as voting on ideas or commenting, nor does it indicate if a participant is Aware, Informed, or Engaged. You can filter these responses by project, but you must use project reports to view the complete submission.

  4. Use the Notes tab to add notes to the participant’s profile. You can attach these notes to specific projects and use them as reminders to follow-up or demonstrate interest in particular subjects.

  5. Add Participant tags to participants to use as filters when you’re creating participant groups. For example, you could tag participants with “Environment” and create a group for Newsletters or tag them with “Panel” or “Staff” to create a group for paneled or protected projects.

  6. Use the Actions dropdown menu to Block this participant or Upgrade to project admin. If the user is unsubscribed, you can also select Subscribe to newsletters. However, admins cannot unsubscribe participants from the profile; participants must unsubscribe themselves.

If the user is blocked, you can also use the Actions menu to Unblock this participant. Likewise, if the user is a Project admin, you can use the menu to block them. You will have to use the Team section to demote an admin to a participant.

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