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Site Search in EngagementHQ

Use the built-in keyword search to find content on EngagementHQ sites

Tess O'Brien avatar
Written by Tess O'Brien
Updated over 2 months ago

All EngagementHQ sites include a search bar in the site header. This is a keyword search that participants can use to search your engagement site for specific projects, pages, tools, and widgets.

The search bar and search results pages are automatically included on your site and require no setup. When a participant enters a keyword into the search, the search will crawl the titles, descriptions, and options of projects, tools, widgets, and static pages for matches. The search results will return:

  • Exact matches: pages that include the exact keyword

  • Partial matches: pages that include the keyword as part of a different word. In the example below, a search for "art" also returned the words “arts,” “artist,” and “articles”

    a search results page showing exact and partial matches to the keyword art

Participants can also put keywords in quotation marks to remove the partial search and only include results with that exact keyword.

There are a couple of things to note about the EngagementHQ search:

  • Because the search crawls projects, tools, and widgets, the keyword search will likely return multiple results to the same page.

  • Pages and content are only searchable after they are indexed. EngagementHQ is indexed twice daily at 10:00 am and 5:00 pm Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).

  • There is no predictive search for EngagementHQ, and you cannot limit your search results to specific projects, pages, tools, or widgets. The search also won’t display images or videos.

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