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Google Analytics vs. EngagementHQ reporting
Google Analytics vs. EngagementHQ reporting

Get the benefits of Google Anaytics with EngagementHQ.

Nathan Connors avatar
Written by Nathan Connors
Updated over a week ago

EngagementHQ allows you to use Google Analytics (GA) in addition to EngagementHQ reporting.

The highlighting of 'in addition to' is for a good reason.

EngagementHQ reporting and Google Analytics do not stand in competition with each other. Hence we do not recommend you solely rely on Google Analytics numbers and reporting, nor do we recommend to rely solely on EngagementHQ reporting. Depending on how you want to explore data and most importantly, what you want to find out, Google Analytics or EngagementHQ or the combination of the two might give you the data you are after.

Reporting?...that all depends.

Questions about reporting are arriving at our help desk every day, both from users who have been using EngagementHQ for a long time (and have plenty of data to work with) and from users who are just starting with EngagementHQ. The majority of the questions sound like this 'How do I use reporting? What does XYZ tell me?'. Unfortunately, our answers usually include 'that all depends' somewhere.

For example, let's assume I look at my reporting and I see a '20' for 'engaged' in my reporting. What does this tell me? Is that good or bad? Am I happy with that or not?...well, that all depends on what I was setting out to do.

In web analytics, there is no right or wrong, no white or black, no good or bad. Numbers are just numbers, and what they tell you depends on what you are asking of them. Before diving into reporting and trying to make sense of what is presented to you, we highly recommend you spend some time thinking about what you want to find out. First, try to understand what the reporting can give you (in terms of raw data) and then set out goals and metrics which you will be able to track with that data.

EngagementHQ or Google Analytics?

EngagementHQ reporting is not designed to compete or replace Google Analytics. EngagementHQreporting is specifically designed with online engagement in mind. That means, in EngagementHQ reporting numbers are presented in a way that we think will help you understand your online engagement efforts and impacts better. To learn all about 'EngagementHQ Reporting', click here.

Web analytics are highly complex and very technical in nature. Google has done a great deal of work since 2005 to make web data accessible and they are continuing on improving their reporting based on the latest trends and technologies. We do the same at EngagementHQ and you will see our reporting further evolve as we learn more about website usage and online engagement. Again, there is no right or wrong and in fact, website analytics software uses different algorithms and logic, which is important because it emphasizes the importance of being careful when comparing the numbers of different web-analytic software. Read the article Google analytics in EngagementHQ for detailed instructions on how to add your Google Analytics account into EngagementHQ.

To summarize, this is what we recommend you do with EngagementHQ and/or Google Analytics data:

What we recommend you do:

  • Think about metrics, goals, and KPIs BEFORE you explore the data

  • Think about what you want to use the data for

  • Understand what Google Analytics and EngagementHQ can deliver in terms of raw data

  • Learn about data analysis in general and web analytics in particular. Many books and blogs have been written about analytics and that is for a reason.

  • Use both Google Analytics and EngagementHQ to capture different data over time

What we recommend you do NOT do:

  • Do not use data before you know what you want to find out / explore.

  • Do not expect the numbers to tell the story. YOU have to tell the story based on how you read the numbers.

  • Do not blindly compare Google Analytics and EngagementHQ numbers.

  • Do not jump to conclusions based on raw data. Think about what the numbers mean and what they tell you

  • Do NOT forget about your qualitative data. If you are running forums, guestbooks, Q&As, and story tools, numbers are maybe not even that interesting. It is the content that gives away the real insight.

Note: Google Analytics is not able to track EngagementHQ document downloads. This information is available with EngagementHQ exclusively.

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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