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Managing auto-email notifications

Configure how email notifications are sent to your participants on EnagagementHQ.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over a week ago

EngagementHQ allows you to control the way automatic email notifications appear when a new participant registers or makes contributions to your site.

There are two options available to help you manage these notifications;

  1. Let EnagagementHQ manage this for you (recommended)

  2. Customize your email notifications using HTML (advanced)

Below we describe how each option can benefit you and your online engagement activities.

Let EnagagementHQ handle notifications for you

The easiest way to manage notifications from your EnagagementHQ as it instructs our system to take care of it for you. 

We highly recommend this option for most users as this is the fastest and most reliable way to send email notifications.

Our auto-managed email notifications have also been designed and tested to help drive engagement with your projects by including relevant upcoming and related projects.

Using a combination of project tags, upcoming key dates, participant followed projects, and last updated projects our system will automatically recommend your participants the most suitable projects.

Letting EnagagementHQ handle all of your email notifications includes;

  • Complete registration instructions

  • Password reset information

  • Moderation emails

  • Contribution notifications (when a participant leaves a comment, reply, new idea, pin, etc..)

Below is an example of a notification email received to a participant as a record of their contribution on a forum.

Activating EnagagementHQ Notifications

To enable this option, follow the instructions below. 

  1. Click on the Site settings link in the side navigation bar of EnagagementHQ. Then from the menu select Messages and notifications

  2. Click the checkbox to allow EnagagementHQ to manage email notifications for you.

With this option selected you can also customize a few lines of welcome text within the emails to help you personalize the auto-generated email sent during the registration process. To do this;

  • Select the edit button list to reveal the custom message editors for Activation Email and Complete registration instructions. 

  • Type the custom welcome message you want to appear in these emails and click save.

  • You can also preview your message by clicking on the Preview eye icon. Make sure you save your edits before previewing them.

  • The custom welcome text you enter will appear after the salutation as shown in the image below.

Important Notes

  • The templates for each notification are automatically created by the system and only the text can be modified.

  • Emails will automatically generate variable information such as the name of your organization and site, the project title, your email address, and the users' name and pre-populate these into your emails.

Custom Email Notifications

Another option available for managing auto email notifications is to utilize custom HTML emails.

Having the ability to customize your email notifications means you can include your own design and style elements as well as your own custom text.

This option is only recommended for advanced users as it requires knowledge of HTML and CSS in order to style the emails effectively.

An example of a custom email notification for completing registration can be seen below.

If you choose this option, it is essential you include the EnagagementHQ variables in your text if you want participant and site information to be shown on the emails.

Important: If you are editing the complete registration email, do not delete the {{confirmation_link}} variable and {{otp}} as this will prevent your newly registered participants from completing their registration. This variable {{confirmation_link}} provides a unique URL and {{otp}} provides a verification code as part of authenticating your new participant's account.

When custom EnagagementHQ notifications have been selected, all contribution-specific notification emails are required to be set up when activating an instance of our engagement tools.

ie. If you turn on a new Places activity on a new project, then you will also need to set up your email notification text and template during that process.

Activating Custom EnagagementHQ Notifications

In order to activate custom email notifications from your EnagagementHQ site, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the Site settings link in the side navigation bar of EnagagementHQ. Then from the drop-down menu select Messages and notifications

  2. Disable the toggle to allow EnagagementHQ to manage email notifications for you.

When you choose this option you are then able to edit the following email notifications:

  • Emails sent during registration process

  • Emails generated by moderation actions (changes are not recommended)

  • Email sent when edits to participant comments are made

  • Email sent when replies to participant comments are made

To edit these emails, simply click on the edit pencil icon you wish to edit. 

If you need to use HTML code, directly add the HTML code within the code view <> of the description. You can also use the variables underneath the editor to auto-populate participant information into your emails. 

Below is an example of a plain text email and EnagagementHQ attributes being used to customize email text.

EnagagementHQ Variables / Placeholders

When using custom email notifications you have access to a range of different variables to automatically generate site and participant information into your email notifications.

Below is a list of variables that can be used;

Activation Email: 

{{confirmation_link}}, {{username}}, {{otp}}

Do not delete the {{confirmation_link}} variable and {{otp}} variable otherwise you participants will not be able to complete their registration.

Complete registration instructions / Imported users registration instructions: 

{{confirmation_link}}, {{username}}

This email notification get sent to participants if they are imported into your database or are resent their complete registration information. 

Changed screen name email: (changes not recommended)

{{name}}, {{site_name}}, {{client_name}}, {{link}}, {{site_url}}, {{old_username}}, {{new_username}}

This email notification is sent to a user when our moderators change the screen name submitted by a user because it breached moderation rules.

Removed by moderator email: (changes not recommended)

{{name}}, {{site_name}}, {{page_name}}, {{topic_name}}, {{comment}}, {{client_name}}, {{link}}, {{site_url}}

This email notification is sent to a user when their contribution is rejected by our moderators.

Topic moderation email: (changes not recommended)

{{name}}, {{site_name}}, {{client_name}}, {{link}}, {{site_url}}, {{topic_name}}

This email notification gets sent to a user when a new forum topic is rejected by our moderators.

On reply:


This email notification gets sent to users when another participant replies to one of their comments.

What's Next?

Don't forget to configure where your notification emails come from by setting up your default site emails.

If you need to change your custom emails back to EnagagementHQ default use our default text recommendations.

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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