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Audit Trail

Learn how to access and view the audit trail.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over a week ago

The Audit Trail can be used to view previous actions performed on a site. For example, you can view the history of a project, which displays details like date, time, and the administrator or user who made the changes. You can also view a participant’s contribution for feedback tools.
The following steps describe how to access your site Audit Trail.

  1. Select the Site Management link and from the drop-down menu, click Audit Trail. This displays the Audit Trail page. By default, Audit Trail page displays the project and site activities for the day.

2. Click on the Select a project drop-down arrow to change the settings as per your requirement. You can select individual projects or just the site-specific settings.

3. Click on Today for the required number of weeks or days. You can customize the date further. To do this, select Custom in the duration drop-down menu. 

Calendar is displayed. Set the start date and end date in the Calendar. You have successfully customized the dates for Audit Trail.

4. Click on Advanced Filter to filter history details based on tools, section or both.

5. Click on the Tool drop-down menu and select the required tool from the list.

6. Click on the Section drop-down menu to limit results to Admin activities or Participant activities. 

7. You can type keywords, for example: newsletter, in the Search text box to search results for specific actions.


  1. The history details shown in the audit trail are limited to 4 weeks. If you require details before that time period, you will have to contact our support team via chat or email

  2. The time of an event on the Audit trail is based on your browser's time zone. You'll also notice an additional timestamp next to your browser time and date (+time). This timestamp is the UTC offset, which refers to the difference in hours and minutes between your time zone and UTC.

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