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About the Dashboard Metrics

Learn what the numbers on your dashboard refer to.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 4 months ago

Your Dashboard provides metrics about your site visits, contributions, and engagement rates. When you land on the Dashboard, you can filter your data by date and other filters.

The Dashboard data is specific to the admin’s role; Site Administrators can see all information, while Hub and Project admins can only see data applicable to projects they can access.

There are several sections to your Dashboard:

Read on to discover how each statistic is calculated.

Key Metrics

Your Key Metrics are:

  • Visits: The total number of unique visits to your site based on session times. There are several factors that may impact this metric, for example, blocked or pending participants are not counted, nor are admin users.

  • Contributions: Counts how many submissions, posts, comments, and reactions have been made to your tools. Please note this includes participant, admin, and anonymous contributions.

  • Registrations: New and verified participant registrations to your site in the given timeframe. This does not include admins, blocked users, or pending participants. However, if an existing admin is changed to a participant, or vice versa, the count will reflect that change.

  • Engagement rate: The percentage of visitors who have submitted a contribution. This is calculated by finding the percentage of Engaged visitors from your Aware visitors.

key metrics on the dashboard

Activity Over Time

The Activity over time section charts site activity over the selected timeframe. These statistics are similar to your Key Metrics but enable you to see daily and monthly counts of user activity. The metrics are:

  • Visits: The number of unique visits, based on session times, per day or month.

  • Visitors: The count of users who visited per day or month. As a visitor may visit your site multiple times in the day or month, this will likely be lower than the Visit count.

  • Contributions: The count of submissions, posts, comments, and reactions per day or month.

  • Contributors: The count of users who contributed per day or month. As someone may contribute to your site multiple times in the day or month, this will likely be lower than the Contributions count.

You can toggle these metrics on or off using the graph legend and hover over days or months to see the metric counts.

activity over time graph in the dashboard as a GIF

Visitor Engagement

This chart shows your engagement rates based on the number and percentage of Aware, Informed, and Engaged visitors. It can tell you how many of your visitors (Aware) have stayed on your site to find out more (Informed) and then contributed (Engaged).

  • Aware: The number and percentage of people who have visited your site. This will always be 100% and does not include admin visits.

  • Informed: The number and percentage of Aware visitors who have clicked through to another page, widget, or tool.

  • Engaged: The number and percentage of Aware visitors who have contributed to a tool.

Please note that Engaged visitors are always both Informed and Aware, and Informed visitors are also Aware. Please use this calculation method to find the percentages of visitors who are only Aware, Informed, or Engaged.

Visitor engagement graph on the dashboard

Contribution Tags

This chart shows the most commonly applied contribution tags in text analysis. It will display the name and count of up to 15 tags an admin has used to tag an open-ended response question.

contribution tags chart on the dashboard

Contribution Locations

This chart shows the approximate location of users who have contributed and how many contributions they’ve made. This only captures data from the default location question in the registration form, so please note the following:

  • Participants must be logged in and have answered the registration location question in the Signup Form to be counted.

  • Only the default Signup Form location question applies; if you remove it and use a different question, the data won’t be captured for this chart.

  • Locations captured via tools (such as surveys) are not counted for this chart.

  • The UK/EU location question currently defaults as a free text question, so the answer may not be counted if the response can’t be validated.

We are currently working on how we capture and store demographic data so that this chart will improve over time. Not all participants will provide this information, so we recommend using this as an approximate guide rather than 100% of the contributions.

Contribution locations map on the dashboard

Top Performing Tools

This chart helps you understand how your tools are performing. It lists the top 15 tools by contribution in the selected timeframe, showing the tool name, project, and number of contributions received.

Top performing tools chart on the dashboard

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