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Understand how your Dashboard numbers are calculated
Understand how your Dashboard numbers are calculated
Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over a week ago

This page outlines how the metrics are calculated for each widget in the overview dashboard when landing on this page (without filters applied)

Note that the default view for site, hub and project admins will be based on their level of access - eg. a project admin with access to 2 projects will only see the metrics related to those projects so will not see traffic from other pages, eg. static pages/homepage

Also note that the “all time” date range filter counts up to and including the current date - this is different to the old reporting pages so they cannot be directly compared using this filter.

Key metrics

  • Visits

    • A count of visits to the site based on the explanation here: How 'site visits' and 'visitors' are captured | Bang The Table Help Desk

    • This counts active participants for the given date range, and 'blocked' or 'pending activation' users are excluded.

    • Admin visits are not captured in the database unless the admin has made a contribution (ie. is acting as a participant)

    • Visits to homepage, hub pages, static pages, project pages, tool pages are counted by default based on the admin user’s access (ie. a project admin will only see activity for the projects they have access to, whereas a site admin will see all activity)

    • Hub page visits are not currently counted in the old EHQ reporting (ie. project reports), this is a known product gap and at this stage we are not looking at introducing the logic retrospectively. Therefore you may see some differences in visit/traffic data between old & new reporting

    • Visits may not be counted immediately - session timeframe, registered login time, whether a user has contributed will impact when a visit is logged.

  • Contributions

    • A count of submissions, posts, comments or reactions made within each tool

    • Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

    • All user types that contribute as a participant (including admins) is counted

  • Registrations

    • New participant registrations to the site - these are counted from any location that the user signs up (e.g., homepage, projects, tools)

    • Registrations will count verified participants; this does not include blocked participants or participants who have not verified their accounts.

    • Admins are not included in the Registrations count.

    • If an existing admin is changed to a participant role in the selected time period, this is counted as a registration, and if a participant is moved to an admin role, then the original count of their registration is removed

  • Engagement rate

    • This is calculated by looking at the number of contributors vs. visitors to the page

    • The calculation is as follows: x/y * 100

      • x = Number of contributors (engaged participants) to the site - unique number of people (users) who have contributed to 1 or more tools/projects, at least once. A user may contribute many times to multiple tools or projects, but that user should only be counted once during the defined time period.

      • y = Number of visitors (aware participants) to the site - unique number of people (users) who have visited 1 or more pages, at least once. A user may visit the site many times, but that user should only be counted once during the defined time period.

    Activity over time

  • Visits

    • Counted in the same way as key metrics, however this will show a daily or monthly breakdown depending on the time period selected

  • Visitors

    • Based on visits, this is the count of users who visited per day or month depending on the time period selected

    • A single visitor may have visited multiple times in that day/month so this value will generally be lower than # visits

  • Contributions

    • Counted in the same way as key metrics, however this will show a daily or monthly breakdown depending on the time period selected

  • Contributors

    • Based on contributions, this is the count of users who contributed per day or month depending on the time period selected

    • A single contributor may have made multiple contributions in that day/month so this value will generally be lower than # contributions.

    Visitor engagement

  • Base visitors counted in the same way as traffic overview

  • Admin visits are not counted unless that admin has contributed/is acting as a participant

  • The ‘aware’ number will always represent 100% of visitors within the selected time period (someone who has made at least one visit to the site or project)

  • The ‘informed’ number will be a portion of the aware visitors who are considered informed (has clicked on something)

  • The ‘engaged’ number will be a portion of the aware visitors who are considered engaged (contributed to a tool)

Contribution tags

  • Base contributions counted in the same way as key metrics

  • The chart requires contributions that have been tagged by an admin via text analysis

  • The chart will present the name and count of the most common tags related to contributions added within the selected time period

  • Will show up to the top 15 contribution tags

Contribution locations

  • Base contributors and contributions counted in the same way as key metrics/traffic overview

  • The chart currently requires data captured from the default location question in the sign-up form (eg. Suburb for AU/NZ, Postal code for Canada, Zip code for US, ‘suburb’ for UK/EU)

  • The registered users who have provided a location in sign-up will then be counted, along with the count of contributions they have made in the selected time period

  • Note:

    • If a custom location field has been added to the sign-up form, this is not currently counted

    • Locations captured in the tools (eg. within a survey) are not currently counted

    • As the UK/EU region’s current default location field is free text, the location may not be counted if the free text response cannot be validated

    • If there is > 1 default location question in the sign-up form, then we will only count the first location in this map

    • We will be improving the way we capture and store demographic data in 2023, so the content in this chart will improve over time

    • Users do not always want to provide this information, therefore the location map is an approximation to use as a guide, it will not represent 100% of your contributions.

    Top performing tools

  • Base contributions counted in the same way as key metrics

  • The chart will present the tool name, related project and # contributions for the most active tools within the selected time period

  • Will show up to top 15 tools.

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