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Remove or edit an administrator

Learn how to change the permissions of an admin, remove admin privileges completely or block an admin

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over a week ago

There might be reasons why you as the site admin would want to revoke access from an existing admin. Maybe, the person has left the organisation, moved into a different role, or has breached your site's rule.

As a site admin, you can at any time block or unblock an admin on your site. To do this, click on the Team link in the side navigation bar. In the Team page, click on Block in the Actions column. 

Blocked admins will not have access to EnagagementHQ or any of the projects that they had been granted access to. In addition, it will remove them from the mailing list of your EnagagementHQ site and they will no longer receive any newsletter you sent to your database from within EnagagementHQ.

It should be noted that site admins can block hub admins and project admins and hub admins can block only project admins. However, project admins cannot block other admins.. In addition, admins are not automatically notified about their status. If you want to let the admins know that their access has been removed, you would need to contact them separately.

A red-colored Block icon in the Actions column for the screen name of the admin indicates that you have blocked that admin.

You can unblock the admin by clicking on the Unblock icon.

If you want to change the permissions of the admin, for example, change a site admin to a hub or project admin, then click on the drop-down menu in the Role column and select the necessary option.
If you are looking to add a site admin or upgrade an existing project/hub admin, you will need to check for the site admin limit in your license. For example, if your license is purchased with 4 site admin accounts, additional site admins cannot be added. In this case, you can downgrade an inactive site admin to project admin or participant and then add the new site admin.

If you want to edit the profile of the administrator, click on the Edit button available in the Actions column.  

This will open the following screen. Make the necessary changes and click the Save button.

Read our article on Access levels for EngagementHQ administrator to learn more about what each admin can and cannot do.

Note: In EnagagementHQ, you cannot delete admins completely. Read the article Can I permanently delete a participant? to understand the reasons. 

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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