The Stories tool allows long-form contributions to your engagements. Participants can use a complete text editor to share their personal experiences and anecdotes. They can include images, videos, and links with various text formatting options.
This tool provides a safe and moderated environment for participants to share their experiences. As administrators, you can also choose if your team wants to moderate the stories before they are published or to have the Granicus moderation team do it for you.
You can use the stories tool in various ways:
Sharing experiences, history, and knowledge between community members
Sharing or highlighting videos, photos, art, or poems
Promoting community groups or members and their work in the community
Collect long-form feedback on plans, proposals, or consultations
Using the Stories tool
Administrators can Preview the project or tool to understand how their community can interact with it.
Participants can:
View the Title and Description you added. This is a good place to include the type of submissions you’re looking for and any instructions you need to provide.
Begin their submission by adding a Title; when they enter text in the Start your story by providing a title field, the full text editor for the body of the story will appear.
Enter their story in the Description field, including any images, videos, links, tables, or styling they want to add. There is no character limit for stories.
Check the box to Allow commenting on this story; they can disallow comments for their story due to the personal nature of this tool. If you disabled comments in the Settings, this box is unavailable.
When they’re ready, participants can select Create to make their submission. If you enabled Unverified participation, they must provide an Email and Screen name and agree to the terms of use and privacy policy before submitting.
Submitted stories are sent for moderation before being published, while the contributor will see the Thank you message you configured in the settings. Participants are also notified when their story is accepted or rejected.
Comment on their own or other users’ stories and tag users who have already commented on the story. There must be at least one comment to tag a user, and tagged participants will be notified via email. Comments can also be liked or disliked, reported to the moderators, or ordered by Recently active or Posted first.
Share their or other users’ stories via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.
Submitted stories are moderated by your admins or our moderators before being published. Registered participants can still Edit or Delete their stories after moderation unless other users have commented on them.
Add the Stories tool to your project to hear about community experiences.