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Manage Questions from the Q&A Tool

How to respond, archive, mark as junk and delete a question.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over 9 months ago

When your Q&A tool is published and a participant Submits a question, it is logged in the Manage Questions tab of your Q&A tool. From there, admins have two options to answer it:

  • Answer publicly: The question and answer are published to the tool tab on the live project page, where all participants can view them. Participants are notified, and the question and answer can’t be moved to private once answered publicly. Public questions submitted by admins will not include a username, but participant questions will have their username below the question.

  • Answer privately: the question and answer are not posted to the live project page. Instead, the participant is sent the response via email. Once answered privately, admins cannot edit the answer.

To answer new questions:

  1. Select Manage in the Q&A tool tab to go to the Manage Questions tab. Unanswered questions will be under the New tab.

  2. To start a response, select either Answer publicly to write a response to be published on the site or Answer privately to send the response only to the participant who asked the question. You can also Archive any irrelevant questions or spam.

  3. When you select the answer type, a text editor will open, in which you can write your answer. You can format your response with heading and paragraph styling, lists, links, images, tables, and videos.

  4. You can add tags in the Tag your question field. Tags categorize your questions and allow participants to filter publicly answered questions with that tag.

  5. Save your response. Your answer will be posted publicly or sent via email for a private response as soon as you Save. The question and answer will move from New to the relevant tab.

If your organization has a review process you must follow when responding to your community, please ensure all admins know and follow this process. The question is answered immediately when you Save, so you may find it helps to draft your responses in a different word processor.

There are five tabs in the Manage Questions section of your Q&A tool:

  • New: view and answer new questions or Archive them directly.

  • Privately answered: Archive the question or select Move to public to publish it to the live site. You cannot edit private responses, and if you make it public, you cannot make it private again.

  • Publicly answered: Edit your answer or Archive it to take it off the site.

  • Archived: Restore the question to move it back to where it was previously, or select Junk.

  • Junk: Restore to move the question back to Archived or Delete it permanently.

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