In Participants, you can filter users by the answers they provide on the Signup Form. This makes it easy to filter your participants using demographic information, such as their birth year, suburb, areas of interest, ethnicity, or gender.
The available questions and answers are Date, Radio buttons, Checkboxes, or Dropdown questions. Please note that you can only filter your participants by the registration questions you include in your Signup Form.
In your Participants list, select + Filters and choose Sign up questions.
Each choice question has a dropdown which you can expand to check each answer you want to apply.
The Date question (Year of birth) has two calendar fields;
a. Before: show only participants born before the selected year
b. On and After: show only participants born in or after the selected year
c. Select the same year in both fields to show only participants born in a specific year
Select Apply Filters to narrow down your participant list.
Each filter will be available above your participants to add or remove options.
Select Group to create a new participant group with these demographics
Check all or multiple participants to add a Bulk Tag.
Select Clear All to remove all filters.
You can use as many filters as necessary to create specific groups. For example, you can filter to participants within the 20-30 age group from a particular suburb who are interested in consultations about parks and community spaces. With this group, you can focus on promoting your park improvement project to them.