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Integrating social media with engagement HQ

Learn about ways to integrate your social media presence and EngagementHQ for the best engagement results.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over a week ago

Linking EngagementHQ with other social media tools 

  • Switch on the social media sharing option to make it easy for participants to share the consultation with their friends and followers. 

  • Add “follow us on” Facebook and Twitter buttons to the top of the widgets column with HTML links through to either/both sites. 

  • Embed a Twitter stream widget into EHQ with your tweets, mentions of your organisation, use of a speci c project #hash-tag etc. 

  • Embed a comment stream from your Facebook page.

  • Embed YouTube videos in the video player and/or in the advanced widgets.

  • Embed a Flickr photo gallery in one of the advanced widgets. 

  • Embed an Instagram slideshow using a project #hash-tag in the advanced widgets. 

  • Embed a Slideshare presentation in one of the advanced widgets. 

  • Embed any of the above rich media into the newsfeed or forum topics. 

  • Run FB page consultation in parallel to EHQ consultation. 

  • Use Facebook ads to drive traffic to the EHQ site. Use Google ads as above. 

  • Use the FB page to let people know about consultations on the EHQ site. 

  • Use Twitter as above. 

  • Post interesting comments from the EHQ forums on the FB page and Twitter stream. 

  • Report back on the outcomes of EHQ consultations via FB and Twitter. 

  • Report back when the project/program has been implemented via FB and Twitter... reflect back on the original consultation. 

  • Setup RSS feeds from the forum topics to display in a “comment widget” on the corporate site. 

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