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The Project Summary Report

How to access and understand your Project Summary Report

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 4 months ago

The Project Summary Report provides insight into the success and progress of your projects. It will provide statistics to help with evaluation, such as:

The Project Summary also allows you to download various reports.

Access the Project Summary Report

In the Projects Report section, you can choose which projects to evaluate and the time frame in which to do it. To access the report:

  1. Expand the Reporting section of your main menu and select Project Reports.

  2. Use the Projects dropdown menu to choose the project you want to report on. You can choose from:

    • Hubs: if your site has hubs, you can check a hub to pull the data from the hub and the projects attached to it. Selecting a hub will automatically check each relevant project. Check All Hubs to select all.

    • Tags: in the Tags tab, you can check tags to pull data from projects that already have that tag. You can also switch between AND to include projects which have all selected tags, and OR to select projects which have any of the selected tags. For example, checking “Budget” AND “Building and Planning” would select only projects which have both tags.

    • Projects: check each project you want to include. You can choose from All Projects, Published, Draft, Archive, or Hidden projects. If you have a lot of projects, you can use the search bar to Search for a project name.

    • Static pages: check Pages to include all static pages. Please note that you can only include all static pages at once, and this data is most pertinent for visitor and traffic data.

    • Homepage: check Homepage to include your homepage. Please note that this data is most pertinent for visitor and traffic data.

      select project menu in project reports
  3. Use the date range dropdown menu to choose your timeframe.

  4. Select Update to see your report.

Please note that All Time refers the date your site launched until the previous day at 11:59pm to view activity before site launch or include data from today, you’ll need to choose a Custom date range.

select a custom date range menu in project reports

Once you’ve selected, you can expand the Selected Projects section to view which projects you have included. You can only download the Detailed Project Report if you select five projects or less.

Also, note that your report will be current as of the date you run it.

Visitors Summary

The Visitors Summary section will show you a graph and Highlight statistics about visits and visitors to your projects. You can use this information to evaluate the success of your project’s reach, visitor awareness, and participant database growth.

The graph will show you the relevant data over your selected timeframe. You can toggle between the Daily and Monthly view and switch the Pageviews, Visitors, Visits, and New Registrations on and off.

  • Pageviews: the number of times a page is loaded.

  • Visitors: the number of unique browsers that visit your site.

  • Visits: the number of unique visits by a browser. Each Visit creates a new session which lasts until there has been 30 minutes of inactivity. Visits from admins that have logged in are not counted.

  • New Registrations: the number of new users who register from the project page.

There are differences between the visitor statistics, please read this article to learn more about the rules and exceptions.

the visitors summary graph

Sources of Traffic

The Sources of Traffic section will help you understand how visitors arrive at your site and their level of engagement. The insights you gain here can help inform how to improve your communication and promotion strategies.

You can switch between Daily and Monthly views of the graph and turn each traffic channel on and off to see isolated views. For an explanation of the traffic sources and how to read this report, please see Understanding the Traffic Sources.

the sources of traffic graph

Participant Summary

Your Participant Summary will show how many participants are Engaged, Informed, or Aware. In brief, their terms refer to:

  • Aware: An Aware Visitor is someone who has made one single visit to your site.

  • Informed: An Informed Visitor is someone who has visited your site and sought more information by clicking on certain page content, such as a widget document or key date. An Informed Visitor is also counted as an Aware Visitor.

  • Engaged: An Engaged Visitor is someone who visited your site and contributed to an active tool on a project page. Engaged Visitors are also both Aware and Informed Visitors.

You can switch between the engagement levels to see statistics on what tools participants are engaging with and if they engage as Registered, Unverified, or Anonymous participants.

the participant summary graph

The Top Projects section will rank which projects are receiving the most engagement. Generally, a high percentage of Engaged or Informed participants indicates a high conversion rate. However, you should use your own benchmarks for these statistics, as some projects are more informative with low expectations for engagement.

Engagement Tools Summary

The Engagement Tools Summary will show the count of all tools created for your selected projects and time frame. This section will give you a quick insight into which tools you use the most and which perform best.

Each tool will have a summary section showing the number of tools, contributors or visitors, and submissions. It will also list the top three instances of each tool and the number of contributions or visitors it had. For each tool, you can select View Full Report to see the relevant Tool Report for deeper insights.

tool summary in project reports

Information Widget Summary

The Information Widget Summary shows you how visitors are becoming informed. The insights gained here can tell you which content is the most popular, so you can use those widgets for future projects.

Each widget will have a section showing the number of Visitors and Views, and Documents will also show the count of Downloads. Please note that these numbers may not show the whole picture. For example, Photos can be viewed without clicking on them. On the other hand, Documents can only be viewed by downloading them, so these numbers are more reliable.

widget summary in project reports

Download Your Reports

There are several reports you can download from the Download Report menu:

Large reports can take some time to download, and they may be emailed to you with a link to download a .zip file. Emailed reports should arrive within 15-45 minutes and the link will expire after 24 hours.

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