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Download your database

Learn how to download your complete community database information or explore your participant demographics.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over a week ago

If you need to export a list of your community database in EngagementHQ utilize our demographics report.

This report will provide you with a list of participants, screen names, and email addresses as well as all of the information you have collected via your sign-up form.

To download your demographics report follow the below steps;

  • Visit the Reporting>Project Reports section of your site.

  • On the Summary screen, use the filters to select All Projects and All Time from the dropdown menus. Click on Update.

  • When the Download Report option appears scroll down to the bottom of the window and select the Demographics Report called All Projects.

Note: To include today's registrations use "custom date range" and include today's date.

This report gives you a list of participants who have completed their registration and are active, as well as those for whom the registration is pending. The report also gives a wide variety of participant details, such as registration information, associated project, date of joining, etc.

Note: The demographic report will include all users on the site including administrators, active, pending, and blocked users for the selected date range. The New registrations in the Project reports web view will only show active participants for that time period. To compare with project reports "New registrations" on web view, you would have to do the following in the demographic report:

  • filter by join date

  • exclude non-active user status

  • exclude admins

If you are looking for the list of people who have clicked on the 'follow project' widget, please read the article on How many people are following my project. 

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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