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Block or Delete Participants

Block a participant from your database or reach out to us to delete them

Vishwas Prasad avatar
Written by Vishwas Prasad
Updated over a week ago

This task is for Site Administrators and Hub Administrators.

At some point, you may need to remove someone’s access to your EngagementHQ site. For example, if a participant has repeatedly breached the site rules, you can block them from participating on your site.

You, as an admin, cannot permanently delete a participant from your database. This is because deleting a user could have several adverse effects:

  • All their submissions would also be removed without any record of them. Additionally, any comments from other users made on those submissions would also be removed

  • Once deleted, a participant could use the same email to register again with a different screen name.

If deletion is required for legal reasons, you can reach out to our support team via email or chat and provide the details of the participant.

Instead, we advise Site Administrators or Hub Administrators to block participants in the database. Blocking a participant ensures that they can no longer participate in tools that use registered participation or view protected projects they could access. Blocked participants are also removed from the mailing list and will no longer receive any newsletters you send to your database. Please note that blocked participants can still view areas of your site that are visible to unregistered users.

To block a participant:

  1. Go to Participants and search for the user with their screen name or email address.

  2. Use the Actions column to select the block icon to block them or the unlock icon to unblock them and reinstate their access.

  3. The Status column will also have a block icon if a participant is already blocked.

Participants are not notified when they have been blocked, so you may want to use their email to notify them that their access has been revoked and why. Additionally, participants cannot delete, unregister, or block themselves, so they will need to contact you to remove them.

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