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Submissions Manager

Use the feature 'Submissions Manager' to manage, edit, and publish files uploaded by participants on a survey.

Vishwas Prasad avatar
Written by Vishwas Prasad
Updated over a week ago

When we use the File upload question on a survey, the only way to access the files is to click on the links in the notification emails or to download a report and then download the documents individually.

This was a long drawn process and took much time. We now have a tool that makes downloading these files and publishing them again easy and straightforward. This tool is the Submissions Manager.

The Submissions Manager provides the critical functionality of being able to provide a list of all responses with the files uploaded, download the submitted documents made to a Survey, mark responses that have been reviewed and also Publish the documents to a document library widget or folder on the relevant project.

Setting up the Submissions Manager

To set up the submissions manager to work, you will have to create a survey with the File Upload question added to it. You will also have to add a Document Library widget on the same project as the survey. The below steps help you understand the same:

  • Setting up a Survey

While setting up the survey, you need to have a file upload question included. With this file upload question, users can then upload documents and submit the survey. These documents will appear under the Submissions Manager section. For more information on the survey tool, you can refer to this article.

  • Adding a Document library widget

This widget allows you to upload documents in their project page which can be accessed by participants. Once your survey has concluded, you can go to the Submissions Manager, choose to publish the document as per your choice to either a widget or a folder in the document library widget on the project page. For more information on the document library widget, you can click here.

Now that the survey tool and the document library widget have been set up, you can view and manage the files uploaded by participants in the survey, by using the Submissions Manager. This can be accessed by going to the Reporting section > Submissions Manager as shown below.

Once there, you can then select the Project , the Survey and the required Date range as shown below. All the documents uploaded by users to the respective survey will be listed. You can then choose to review, publish and download those files.

Note - The date range All time automatically selects the start date from the day the site was launched and not from the day the site was created.

Features of the Submissions Manager

Now that the survey and the document library are set up, we can have a look at the various features of the Submissions manager.

  • View list of responses against a selected survey - Once you click on the respondent or the ID, a list of all responses with uploads by participants is displayed. All the documents or files uploaded as part of the response will be visible. This only works if a user has uploaded a file.

  • You can also view the overall Survey Response (1) and Signup Form Response (2) of the respective user by clicking on the Response ID or Respondent.

  • The document can be renamed by hovering on the document and selecting the ‘Rename document (1)’ option as shown below. Renaming is not allowed for document(s) that have been published. You will need to unpublish the document and then rename it. You can also preview the document by selecting ‘Open in New Tab (2)’ option.

  • Change the review status - By default, all documents will be set to “Pending Review”. You will be able to mark a Response as “Reviewed” and can change the status to “Pending Review”, as necessary.

  • Publish Documents - You can choose to publish a document to either an existing widget or a folder for that particular project. Documents can also be published to a Hidden Folder. The visual indicator turns to green when the document in the response is published. Similarly, published documents can also be unpublished through the same tab.

Note: You will need to have the document library widget and folders set up prior to Publishing the document. You can publish documents only once and cannot publish the same document to two different document library widgets or folders. When using the bulk publish option, all the documents that are already in the published state will be ignored.

  • Download Documents - You can choose to download either an individual document, several documents within the response or several documents for multiple responses. Documents will be downloaded as a Compressed Archive (.zip) file and this will be stored on your desktop as 'submission_ Response ID'. When you download several documents for multiple responses, it will appear in the same zip file but in different folders where each folder corresponds to a respective Respondent. During the time that the download is in progress, you will not be allowed to download any other documents.

  • Emailing download link - When you initiate a download of documents that are large in size, the process may take a few minutes (depending on the load on the servers). Once the document is ready for download, an email will be sent to your email address with a Link to download the file.

  • Note: The email will be sent only when the HTML email toggle in the site settings is enabled.

Bulk Actions

You should select one or more responses to perform a Bulk action. You may perform a search, or apply a filter or a combination of Filters and search to narrow the responses and then select the required responses. Responses can be selected from across pages. All actions that can be performed at an Individual Response level can also be performed at the Bulk level i.e.

  • Mark as Reviewed

  • Mark as Pending Reviewed

  • Publish Documents

  • Unpublish Documents

  • Download Documents

Search, Filtering & Sorting

  • Search filter - The search functionality allows you to search the Survey responses based on Name of the uploaded Document, Document Extension, Respondent Name, or Response ID

  • Question filter - When a Survey has multiple ‘File Upload’ questions, you may need to work with a specific question or set of questions. For such cases, we have a Filter on the “Submissions” column which can be used for one or multiple file upload questions.

  • Publish Status filter - You can choose either one of the options to be able to apply the filter. Responses that match the required Published status will be displayed.

  • Reviewed Status Filter - The reviewed status filter is available as a tabbed filter. you may choose the “Reviewed” / “Pending Review” tab to view the response of the required category

  • You can sort the response list on the ‘Response ID’ and on the ‘Received On’ columns.

Combination Filters

  • This feature has been designed to let you work with multiple filters and search criteria to help you arrive at the specific target set to work with.

  • You can apply Question Filter, Publish Status filter, Reviewed Status filter, and also apply a search on the result set. Additionally, they can also apply a time period filter.

  • You will be allowed to work with any combination of the available filters

View published files in the document library widget

If your project has multiple document library widgets, you can choose to upload the document to any one of the widgets or a particular folder.

Once the document from the Submissions Manager is published, it will appear in the document library widget right away as shown below. You will have to manually select the document to appear in the widget.

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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