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Konveio Integration

Learn how Konveio integrates with EngagementHQ and what settings we recommend you choose.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 2 years ago

Konveio is a content engagement tool that is available through our Marketplace.

Overview of the Konveio tool
Get everyone on the same page by embedding interactive PDFs from Konveio directly into EngagementHQ projects. Make planning materials easier to understand and navigate and facilitate constructive feedback directly on the page while streamlining reporting workflows.


1. Capture Comments
Participants of all abilities can easily write comments anywhere on your document. Threaded replies make conversations happen, and reacting with 👍 / 👎 helps surface support or opposition without redundancy.

2. Content Overlays
Additional content like videos, maps, text, Google Street View, and place images where they're most relevant on the document to provide a rich and guided learning experience.

3. Enhanced Navigation
Combine multiple PDFs into one experience with chapter-by-chapter navigation. Intuitive controls and full-screen viewing options make viewing architectural renders and fine details easy. Konveio will automatically generate a table of contents menu accessible from any document page. Present a step-by-step guide through a document to emphasize essential sections and ensure learning.

4. Analyze & Report
Easily browse comments on the document; search, filter, and sort through an interactive list of all comments; or download reports for custom analysis and reporting. In addition, Konveio Pro (and enterprise) integrates with EngagementHQ's PRM for a genuinely seamless reporting and participation experience.

5. Guided Tour
Create a step-by-step guide through your document to ensure learning and emphasize important areas.

If you have added Konveio to your EngagementHQ license, you will most likely want to integrate it into one, or multiple, of your project pages.


Konveio documents can be engaged within EngagementHQ. Here is a quick checklist to get your document and EngagementHQ page ready to go:

  1. Upload your documents into Konveio

  2. Change the Konveio settings so anyone can participate (see below under "Recommended Settings")

  3. Grab the Konveio embed code and get in touch with our support team. We will help to make the embed look nice.

  4. Prepare your EngagementHQ project page for launch.

  5. Launch!

Our integration is visual in nature, meaning that at this point in time there is no data sharing between both tools for privacy and security reasons unless you wish to limit participation to registered EngagementHQ users and save their usernames as part of the comments Konveio collects. Nevertheless, you can integrate Konveio into EngagementHQ to achieve a seamless experience for your participants.

Konveio as an EngagementHQ Tool

Just like all your other tools, we can help you integrate Konveio visually so that it appears as another tool in the project page tool tab. We do this by re-purposing a Guestbook tool to show Konveio instead.

In the above project, the "Konveio" tab hosts Konveio. You can see the live example here. Upon clicking into the tool, Konveio will open in its own standalone page, just like most other EngagementHQ tools.

This integration currently requires some help from us to achieve a seamless look and feel. Please get in touch with us for assistance when you are ready to launch the page.

Recommended Settings

Since you are managing EngagementHQ and Konveio through two separate portals, there are two sets of settings to be considered.


You can very much manage your page as normal, just keeping in mind that a project page needs to have the Guestbook tool available to host Konveio. We can't see any circumstance in which you would want to maintain a Guestbook alongside Konveio, so this should be safe.

Secondly, the project page can either be in Public, Panelled, or Protected visibility.

Third, the participant type of the Guestbook tool is ignored for the integration, but the Guestbook has to be published or archived for this to work.


The most important setting for the integration to work properly can be found in the settings. Ensure that the two checkboxes under Comments are configured as you can see below (Konveio typically configures these settings for you by default).

With the settings as above, you can now decide if you want your participants to only be able to place comments on your Konveio document if they have an EngagementHQ account, or if you are happy for them to participate without an account.

As you will know, we have a similar setting in EngagementHQ where you can choose between Unverified and Registered participation and you can think of it working in the same way!

Note: If you wish you select Unverified participation for the Guestbook tool, you can simply paste Konveio’s embed code as-is from their Embed tab.

Either: I want my participants to have an EngagementHQ account before they can participate.

To sync EngagementHQ usernames with a user's comments (allow only registered participation) made on your Konveio document:

  • Copy the embed code from above and paste [id=”Konveio”] into your embed code before “width” and after “iframe” as shown below.

  • For example: <iframe id="konveio" width="100%" height="1000" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" class="doccomment-iframe"></iframe>

If a participant is already logged into their EngagementHQ account, they can simply participate and their comment is associated with their EngagementHQ username.

If not, they will see a prompt as below.

Or: I am happy for my participants to engage without an EngagementHQ account.

This will allow anyone to leave a comment on all documents, as long as they leave a username and email. As with EngagementHQ unverified participation, however, neither has to be real. Your participants will see a comment box like below appear. After they have entered a name for the first time, that name is saved for the remainder of the session. This means they don't have to repeatedly enter their name.

To achieve this behavior, simply paste the embed code from the Embed tab in Konveio as is.

To understand how Real-time collaboration works on Konveio, you can refer to this blog.

If you have any questions or would like to explore more ways to integrate Konveio, please get in touch with us via chat or email us at

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