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Add the Places Tool to Your Project

Learn how to add and configure Places, including style, layers, pins, questions, settings, and sharing.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated this week

The Places tool is an interactive mapping tool that allows participants to contribute location information, comments, and images and answer attached survey questions. This tool is great for investigating community views about locations and can be used in several different ways.

This is an extensive tool with several different configuration tabs:

Create a New Places Tool

To add Places to your project:

  1. Select Add a tool on your project page and choose Map; you’ll find this tool in the All or Open environment tabs.

  2. Add a title for your tool and select Create.

    the Create places pop-up screen with a title entered
  3. In the Details tab, you can use the text field to introduce the Places tool; this is a great place to include instructions on how to use the tool.

  4. Use the Set Location tab to set the central point of your map and change your Map style.

  5. Go to the Add Map Layer tab to upload or create your map’s layers.

  6. Use the Add Pins tab to create pin categories for your participants.

  7. Set survey questions in the Add Questions tab.

  8. Use the Settings tab to change your settings, then select Save.

  9. You can choose the pen icon next to the tool name in the tool tab to edit it. You can also select Edit to make further changes, Preview, or Delete it.

  10. When you’re ready, use the drop-down menu to Publish the tool.

  11. Select Add a Places map to start creating another interactive map.

Once the places tool is published, you can Unpublish it to move it back to Draft status and remove it from your live site. If the consultation or feedback period has concluded, you can Archive it so that pins and comments are still visible, but submissions are closed.

You can only Delete the tool if there are no submissions. If admins or users have added pins, you must contact Support for help with deletion.


In the Details tab, you can edit the Title and add a Description to display on the project page and the About panel of the map. The Title has a maximum of 245 characters, and there is no limit to the Description text editor.

the details tab of a places tool

This is a great place to introduce the tool and add instructions for your participants. For example, you could include:

  • What the purpose of the map and project are

  • Step-by-step instructions on what participants can see on the map and how they can add pins

  • How comments or survey responses will display

  • What you’re planning to do with the contributions

Set Location

The Set Location tab lets you set the visible map area and your Map style.

The default map area will be your browser's location if you have your browser location settings on or your country's capital city if they’re not.

Use the Find address or place search field to find an exact location or select Use current location. You can also use the + or icons to zoom in or out and click and drag the map to change the exact location. The minimum zoom level is set to 5, and the maximum is set to 20.

the set location tab of the places tool

Use the Map style drop-down menu to choose from one of these seven styles: Topographic, Streets, Imagery, Imagery Hybrid, OpenStreetMap (Streets), Light Gray Canvas, or Dark Gray Canvas.

the map style options in the places tool

Add Map Layer

The Add Map Layer tab allows you to add extra layers of information or create boundaries for contributions. You can add multiple layers on each map with their own settings and colors.

You can add layers in the following formats:

To add a layer:

  1. Use the Add a map layer drop-down menu to select the type of layer you want to create.

    the add a map layer dropdown menu options in the places tool
  2. Add a Name for your layer, use the drawing options if you're using Custom, or upload the relevant file.

  3. Select Done or Save layer. If you’re using a Custom layer, you cannot continue drawing once you select Done.

  4. Select your options for the layer type you’ve chosen.

  5. Use the eye icon to Hide your layer or the bin icon to Delete it. Save when you’re finished editing, or Cancel your changes and continue adding layers until you’re finished.

    the custom layer options in the places tool
  6. Drag and drop your layers in the list to reorder them.

  7. Save when you’re finished.

Add Pins

In this tab, you can add the pin categories participants can use to contribute. You must add at least one category for participants to use and can add a maximum of 15; the more categories you add, the more complex your tool can become.

  1. In the Add Pins tab, select Add Pin Category.

    the add pins tab of a places tool
  2. Add a Name and Color for the pin. You can use the color picker, provide a hex code, or use RGB; the icon will change to match your selected color. Using different colors will help participants distinguish between pin categories.

    the colour picker options in the places tool
  3. Select the existing pin to change the pin’s icon; you can use the search bar to look for a relevant icon or browse our alphabetic list.

    the select an icon options in the places tool
  4. If there are no submissions on the tool (with any pin), you can use the drop-down menu for each pin to Show or Delete it. Once submissions start, you can use the drop-down to Show or Hide the pin category. Hiding the category ensures that no participants can use it to contribute.

    the pin category options in places with the hide option highlighted
  5. Select Add Pin Category again to add more pins. You cannot reorder your list of categories.

  6. Save your pins when you’re finished.

Add Questions

You can add survey questions to the Places tool for participants to answer when they contribute a pin. Please note that you cannot specify questions for different pin categories; your questions should be general enough to apply to all pins.

The questions you add will become visible after the user has moved a pin into place. If any of them are mandatory, the participant must answer before submitting. To add questions:

  1. Use the Add a question drop-down menu to select from the Single Line, Essay, Dropdown, Radio buttons, or Checkboxes question types.

    the add a question menu in the add questions tab of a places tool
  2. Enter your question into the Question text field. If you chose Dropdown, Radio buttons, or Checkboxes you’ll also need to Add options.

  3. Check the box for Mandatory if your question is required and you can add a short explanation into the Notes field.

    the single line question settings in the places tool
  4. When you’re finished, select Submit, and you can continue to Add a question if necessary.

  5. Use the pen icon to Edit questions and the bin icon to Delete them.

  6. Save when you’re finished.


In the Settings tab, you can adjust the following:

  • Allow unverified participation: Enable this setting to allow anyone with an email and screen name to participate. This removes the need for your community to register and log in.

  • Enable photo upload: Allow participants to upload an image with their contributions.

  • Display address on pins: Enable this setting to display the address when users drop a pin.

  • Make comment mandatory: Enable this setting to ensure that participants must leave a comment before they submit.

  • Permalink: Select Edit to change the URL of this tool.

  • Turn on acknowledgements to admin: Enable this to notify admins of new contributions. You can expand the Acknowledgement to admin to configure the Email subject, Email text, and Recipients.

  • Turn on acknowledgements to user: Enable this to notify participants when they submit a contribution. You can expand the Acknowledgement to user to configure the Email subject and Email text.

    the settings tab of a places tool

Always Save when you’re finished.


Use the Share tab to retrieve a code snippet or standalone link. You can use the embed code or iframe to embed your Places map into your corporate website or link to a standalone tool page.

There are three options:

  • Standalone: Share a link to the standalone page for the Places tool.

  • Add to webpage: Use an embed code to embed the map onto a webpage.

  • Add iFrame: Use an iFrame to embed the survey onto a webpage that doesn't support in-line script.

    The share tab with the Add to webpage option selected

Learn more about using the Share tab.

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