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Bulk tagging of participants

Tag multiple participants at once.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over a week ago

Bulk tagging provides an option to tag several participants at once making it easy to search through your participant database using the tag.

Creating a tag is not the same as creating a group. With tags, you can create a sort of custom filter for your participants. The tag created can then be used as a filter to create a group of participants.

The steps below explain how to tag multiple participants at once and then create a group with them.

  1. Select the Participants link from the left menu of EngagementHQ. This displays the Participants page.

2. Apply any filter that you require to help you narrow your search. Choose your required participants by selecting the checkboxes next to the screen name of the participant. You can also select the top checkbox to select all participants.

3. Select Bulk Tag option then enter a new tag name (or choose an existing tag) for the selected participants in the Apply participant tags box. 

Note: There is no option to bulk delete tags. Tags can be deleted by going into the participants profile and then clicking on the cross "X" next to the tags.

4. A confirmation message will appear once a new tag is added- A tag has been created and applied and for exisiting tag "A tag has been applied"

5. The tagged participants can now be filtered to create a group by using the Participant Tag filter.

6. Select the tag. This will display the filtered list of participants. Then click on the option Group, provide a group name, and select Add.

This will create a new group of participants to use for your specific activity. You can now use this newly created group to restrict project visibility or send a newsletter.

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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