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Add or Remove Participant Tags

Learn how to tag and bulk tag a participant to filter and create groups.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over a week ago

Participant tags are labels that you attach to participants. They allow you to create a custom filter for your participant groups. Once you have these groups, you can use them to send Newsletters or provide access to paneled or protected projects.

For example, you can:

  • Attach a “Community-Panel” tag to participants you want to group for a paneled project

  • Attach an “Environment-Sustainability” tag to participants who are interested in consultations about the subject.

  • Attach a “Staff-Members” tag to group participants who are also staff to give them access to an internal protected project.

Participant tags can be multiple words, and you can use hyphens (-), underscores (_), or spaces to separate them. You cannot use a comma (,) as that will create two separate tags. You can use the following characters in a participant tag: letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, and symbols (%-_’).

You can add participant tags to individual profiles or do it in bulk for multiple participants.

Add an individual Participant Tag

To add an individual participant tag:

  1. Go to Participants in the main menu and search for the relevant participant.

  2. Select the user’s Name or eye icon in the Actions column to open their profile.

  3. Use the Participant tags field to search for an existing tag or enter a new one.

  4. To remove a tag, select X attached to the tag. You can only remove tags individually from a user’s profile, you cannot do it in bulk. Additionally, you cannot delete a tag from the Participant tag dropdown list; it will disappear once it is removed from all profiles.

Apply a Bulk Tag

Bulk tagging lets you apply a participant tag to several users at once.

  1. In Participants apply the necessary filters to narrow down your participants to the required list.

  2. Check each participant you want to tag or select all by checking the topmost checkbox.

  3. Select Bulk Tag and enter the new tag name in the Participant tags field or select an existing one.

  4. Select Add and you will see a green success message telling you it was applied.

  5. There is no way to bulk delete a tag, you will need to go into each individual profile to remove the tag.

You can now use the tags as filters to create new participant groups, and once you have the group you can send newsletters to them or use them to restrict project access.

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