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govDelivery Connector Configuration
govDelivery Connector Configuration

This article describes how to configure our EngagementHQ to govDelivery connector. This is a free connection.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated today

The connection from EngagementHQ into govDelivery lets you connect topics in govDelivery with their corresponding consultations in EngagementHQ, giving both registered and anonymous participants the chance to subscribe to topics of their interest. 

How it works

This connection connects your EngagementHQ projects to topics in govDelivery. It is utilizing the Follow Project widget and its functionality to do so. 

As you may be aware, the Follow Project widget will ask visitors who are not registered to enter their email addresses. Doing so will add them to your chosen govDelivery topic and will notify the owner of the email address that they have subscribed to emails. This ensures nobody is subscribed against their will.

This is a step-by-step guide on how to link govDelivery with EngagementHQ and assumes you are an administrator in both systems. 

Step 1: In EngagementHQ, go to your Marketplace and into govDelivery by Granicus

Step 2: Enable the govDelivery connector. This will prompt you to enter your Account and Token, both of which you will get from your govDelivery account. If you are unsure, please ask govDelivery support for help. 

The Account name is usually all caps and has NO spaces.

Add Basic and a space before the start of the govDelivery token. It will look something like this:

Basic KBjbfweic987542bjhcae

Click save and that is all you need to do.

Note: Sometimes we may ask you to refresh your tokens. Repeat the steps above to enter and save a new token.

Now we will connect a single project to one of your govDelivery topics! You will have to do steps 1 and 2 only once, repeat steps 3 and onwards for every project that you want to connect to a topic.

You can connect multiple projects to the same topic in GovDelivery. Just repeat steps 3 and 4 for every project which you want connected.

Step 3: Navigate to the Advanced section of your project and enter the govDelivery Topic Code that you want to connect this project to. This will mean that anyone subscribing to this project will be added as a subscriber to this particular topic. 

You can find the Topic Code in the general information section of your govDelivery topic. 

Click Save to confirm. 

Step 4: In the final step, all you need to do is enable the Follow Project widget on the page. 

As soon as your project is published your participants can subscribe to your topic. It doesn't matter if they are registered or not. 

The experience for a participant is outlined below. 

The Participant Experience


A registered participant that is logged in at the time they are viewing the project can simply subscribe to the project by hitting the Subscribe button. 

Here is an example of Amity Wooten (we have made her up). She is logged in and clicks on the subscribe button. This will subscribe her to our govDelivery topic. 

Three things will happen at this point. 

  1. She will receive a welcome email from your account in govDelivery, since she is a new subscriber in the system.

  2. She will receive a confirmation of her topic subscription.

  3. She will appear in our subscriber list in govDelivery. 


Unregistered participants can also take advantage of this and subscribe to your updates. The flow for an unregistered participant is pretty much the same, the only difference being that the Follow Project widget will show a text field to enter an email address before clicking on subscribe. 

Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email

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