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Troubleshooting Reports

Troubleshoot errors when accessing reporting pages and downloaded reports

Tess O'Brien avatar
Written by Tess O'Brien
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Reporting section of your EngagementHQ site is essential to collating and analyzing your project data so you can make informed decisions for better project outcomes. If you’re having trouble accessing the reporting pages or downloaded reports, we have some troubleshooting tips.

Reporting Pages Loading Incorrectly

Occasionally, some third-party application pages are blocked if your IT team changes your firewall. These changes can prevent the CSS on EngagementHQ reporting pages from loading correctly, and you may be unable to download reports, complete survey analysis, or change the filters on reports.

You must report any failed URLs to your IT team to rectify the issue. To retrieve these:

  1. Open the Developer Tools for your browser. Most browsers will have this under Settings > More Tools > Developer Tools.

    developer tools in firefox browser
  2. Go to the Network tab.

  3. Reload the page and note the red failed calls.

    network tab in firefox developer tools
  4. Select a call to get the URL.

If your IT team is unable to rectify the issue, please contact our support team via chat or email.

Error Opening Downloaded Report

Reports are downloaded as zip files. A common issue seen by Windows users is that they are unable to open it after downloading because the file name is too long.

To rectify this, rename the zip file to something shorter and try opening it again. If the issue persists, please contact our Support team.

compressed file rename error

Error Unzipping Survey Report

Some users have trouble unzipping the compressed survey report file they download. This is often because the survey title is too long, creating a zip file with an even longer name.


  • Renaming your survey with a shorter title and generating the report again

  • Renaming the zip report

  • Entering the zip file and copy and pasting the Excel file outside of the folder

If you are still having issues, get in touch with our support team via chat or email at

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