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Using Participant Demographic Attributes

Use Participant Demographic Attributes to filter your Dashboard reports and Participants list.

Written by Kira Hartley
Updated over 4 months ago

You can use the new Participant Demographic Attributes to assist with demographic analysis in your Dashboard reports and Participants list. Attaching demographic attributes to some of your Signup Form questions allows you to more accurately filter your Dashboard charts and reports.

We currently have Participant Demographic Attributes for Age, Gender, and Ethnicity, and you can apply each attribute to one question at a time. Additionally, you can only apply attributes to choice questions so you can manage the list of options and improve data accuracy.

The Age attribute is applicable to the Date question type, and the Gender and Ethnicity attributes can only be used on Radio buttons, Dropdown, or Checkbox question types.

Add Participant Demographic Attributes to the Signup Form

Participant Demographic Attributes are applicable to Signup Form questions, but you can add them to new or existing questions. By adding the attribute to existing questions, you can ensure that existing responses are included.

Your Dashboard will reflect the current and active questions and choice options in the filters; any hidden options or deleted questions are unavailable as filters. Before adding the attributes, finalize what information you will need and which questions and options you want to provide. We recommend creating your Signup Form questions and assigning demographic attributes once and avoid adding or deleting any questions or options.

To apply an attribute to a new question:

  1. Go to Site Settings > Signup Form.

  2. Select Add and use the Question type drop-down menu to select Date for the Age attribute, or Dropdown, Radio Buttons, or Checkboxes for Gender or Ethnicity.

  3. Select the applicable attribute from the Demographic attribute drop-down menu.

  4. Write your Question, add any Options, and choose your remaining settings.

  5. Select Create to finish adding the question.

To apply an attribute to an existing question:

  1. Go to Site Settings > Signup Form.

  2. Select Edit on the relevant Date, Radio buttons, Dropdown, or Checkboxes question.

  3. Choose the applicable attribute from the Demographic attribute drop-down menu.

  4. Select Update to apply the changes.

Filter the Dashboard Using Participant Demographic Attributes

When your attributes have been applied to your Signup Form, and participants have begun to register, you can select them as Filters in your Dashboard.

Admins can use as many filters as necessary to view data about specific community groups. This information can help you determine which groups are participating on your site and develop strategies to reach those who are not.

The available filter values represent the active options of your choice questions; if an admin edits these, the filters in your Dashboard will reflect the current choices. If participants have selected choices that are now hidden, they will not be available to filter.

The Gender and Ethnicity Filters allow you to select multiple values simultaneously, so you can expand or limit your dataset as required. Selecting multiple values will include users who have selected one or more in their responses. If you're using both Gender and Ethnicity, it will filter all participants who select one or more options in both attributes.

The Year of Birth Filter uses the Age demographic to filter your Dashboard by participants born in a specific timeframe. You can select from four options when filtering by age:

  • Equals: filter by participants born in a specific year

  • Is Before: filter by participants born before, but not including the specified year

  • Is After: filter by participants born after, but not including the specified year

  • Is Between: filter by participants born between and including two specified years

Participant Demographic Attributes are available in the Participant Relationship Manager via the Sign up questions filter.

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