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Homepage Section Content Settings
Homepage Section Content Settings

Understand the use of various sections on the home page

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 2 months ago

Site Administrators can add, remove, or edit homepage sections in Appearance > Home Page Editor > Sections. There are 17 sections that you can add to your homepage, and each has a Content tab that you can use to configure the section's settings.

You can find the settings for each section below:


The Banner section lets you display an image and text along the entire width of the screen. The Banner Content settings are:

  • Banner Image: Select Upload Image to choose your image. Once uploaded, you can select Edit Image to crop, rotate, flip, or upload a new image. You also have access to a built-in gallery of Images by Unsplash.

  • Image focal point: Enable this setting to ensure that the focal point you select will be visible on any device size. Once enabled, select the point in the image to move the red dot.

    Banner image and focal point settings
  • Image Alternative Text (Optional): Provide brief alt text for screen readers to use. This field is marked optional because decorative images don’t need alt text.

  • Display full banner image: Enable this setting to show the complete image instead of allowing it to be cropped for responsive screens. The banner height will be the full height of the image, and it will remove the title, description, and buttons.

  • Height of Banner (px): Specify the height of your banner section. You can only reduce the height you set to fit your content, and this setting will not work with Layout 6. We recommend using an image that is 1440 px x 400 px.

  • Title: Add a title for your banner section. This is often the title of your site.

  • Description: Add description text for your banner section. This is often a brief introduction or tagline for your site.

  • Button Text: Add the text for your button link. Leaving this field blank will remove the button from the banner.

  • Button URL: Use the drop-down menu to select the page to which your button is linked. You can choose from the Sign in page, Register page, Projects, Hubs, or a Custom URL.

  • Open link in a new tab: Enable this to ensure the button link opens in a new browser tab.

    Banner content settings

You can edit the color of your banner text, button, and background in the Color tab and change the text weight and size in the Font tab.


The Projects Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Display publish date: Show the publish date on each project card. For manually selected projects, this will reflect the publish date at the time of adding the project card.

  • Button Text: Add the text for your project button link. Leaving this field blank will remove the button from the project card.

  • Project Selection mode: Choose to select projects automatically based on set parameters, or by manually selecting and linking projects.

    Project section content settings
  • Auto Select:

    • Select project tags: Select project tags from the drop-down to list any project with that tag. Please note project tags are case-sensitive.

    • Show Project status: Enable this to show the project status (Published or Archived) on listed projects.

    • Filter by project status: Choose to display All projects or only those that are Published or Archived. You may want separate Projects sections to differentiate between published and archived projects.

    • Order projects by: Choose if you want to list the projects by order of the Date published (most recent first) or alphabetically by Title.

    • Number of projects to display: Enter the number of projects you want to list in this section.

      Auto-select project settings
  • Manual Select:

    • Card tabs: By default, there will be 6 card tabs to switch between and configure. Add a new card by selecting the + button. Drag and drop card tabs to reorder them; if you’re having trouble, it might help you zoom out on your browser so you can see all tabs.

    • Card Type: Use the drop-down menu to choose to link to Projects, Tools, Hubs, or Custom URL. Each option will provide the relevant drop-down menu(s) or field to link to the page. Once you select a project or hub, the Project Image, Title, and Description fields will auto-fill with content from the project.

    • Project Image: Select Upload Image to choose your image or Edit Image to change an auto-filled image. You also have access to a built-in gallery of Images by Unsplash. If you don’t upload an image, the image area will be a block of your Brand Color.

    • Image focal point: Enable this setting to ensure that the focal point you select will be visible on any device size. Once enabled, select the point in the image to move the red dot.

    • Title: The title of your card link. If you selected a project, tool, or hub, this will be automatically filled from the content. Please note that titles with more than 70 characters will be truncated.

    • Description: The description of your card link. If you selected a project, tool, or hub, this will be automatically filled from the content.

    • Open link in a new tab: Enable this to open the link in a new browser tab.

    • Delete project: Select this to delete the card. This will not delete the project, tool, or hub you selected.

      Manual select project section settings

You can edit the color of your project section text, buttons, and backgrounds in the Color tab.


The Featured section allows you to highlight a project, tool, or hub. The Featured Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Show project status: Enable this to show the project status (Published or Archived) on the card.

  • Show CTA button: Enable or disable the button link for this section. You can customize the link text and URL in the Button Text and Button URL fields.

  • Select content type: Choose whether you want to feature a Project, Tool, or Hub.

  • Select content: Use the drop-down menu(s) to select which content you want to display. If you select Tool as the content type, you must first choose the project the tool is on. The content you select here will auto-fill the image, title, description, and button.

  • Project Image: Select Upload Image to choose your image or Edit Image to change an auto-filled image. You also have access to a built-in gallery of Images by Unsplash.

    Featured section content tab settings
  • Image focal point: Enable this setting to ensure that the focal point you select will be visible on any device size. Once enabled, select the point in the image to move the red dot.

  • Title: The title of your Featured section; this will be automatically filled from the content. Please note that titles will more than 70 characters will be truncated.

  • Description: The description of your Featured section; this will be automatically filled from the content. The complete description of the project, tool, or hub will be piped in, but will also be truncated so you may need to edit or rewrite it.

  • Button Text: Change the text of the button link. Leaving this blank will also remove the button.

  • Button URL: This is automatically the permalink of your project, tool, or hub.

You can edit the color of your featured section text, buttons, and backgrounds in the Color tab.

Project Showcase

This section provides a searchable list of all published and archived projects on your site. You can configure which filters and search options your site visitors can use. The Project Showcase Content settings are (please note that some settings are behind a Show more options link):

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Show Search: Enable the Search Projects bar.

  • Show tags filter: Enable a drop-down menu to filter using project tags.

  • Show year filter: Enable a drop-down menu to filter using years in which the project was published.

  • Show state filter: Enable a drop-down menu to filter projects using status (Published or Archived)

  • Show reset filter button: Enable a button for users to reset the filters they’ve chosen.

  • Show project name: Enable the project name on the card listing.

  • Show project description: Enable the project description on the card listing.

  • Show project status: Enable the project status on the card listing.

  • Display ‘View Project’ button: Enable the View Project button on the card listing.

  • Display publish date: Enable the project publish date on the card listing.

  • Project pagination view: Enable pagination view so you can control how many projects display per page and site visitors can select pages to view them.

  • Projects per page: Specify how many projects to display on a page. If you disable Project pagination view, this setting is unavailable.

You can edit the color of your Project Showcase section text, buttons, and backgrounds in the Color tab.


Use the Slider section to present a series of images as a slideshow on your homepage. The Slider Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Slider speed: Adjust the time that each image displays in the slider. Please note that this cannot be too quick, as site visitors will struggle to view your content, which will become an accessibility issue. This setting applies to all slides.

  • Height of Slide: Adjust the height of your slides, with a minimum of 400 px. This setting applies to all slides.

  • Truncate Title: Set a character limit for the slide title. This setting applies to all slides.

  • Truncate Description: Set a character limit for the slide description. This setting applies to all slides.

  • Slide tabs: By default, there will be 3 card tabs to switch between and configure. Add a new card by selecting the + button. Drag and drop card tabs to reorder them; if you’re having trouble, it might help you zoom out on your browser so you can see all tabs.

  • Slider Image: Select Edit Image to change the default image. You also have access to a built-in gallery of Images by Unsplash.

  • Image focal point: Enable this setting to ensure that the focal point you select will be visible on any device size. Once enabled, select the point in the image to move the red dot.

  • Image Alternative Text (Optional): Provide brief alt text for screen readers to use. This field is marked optional because decorative images don’t need alt text.

  • Title: Add a title for your slide.

  • Description: Add a description for your slide.

  • Button Text: Specify the button text or leave it empty to remove the button.

  • Button URL: Use the drop-down menu to select the page you want your button linked to. You can choose from the Sign in page, Register page, Projects, Hubs, or a Custom URL.

  • Open link in a new tab: Enable this to ensure the link opens in a new browser tab.

  • Delete slide: Select this to remove a slide.

You can edit the color of your Slider section text, buttons, and backgrounds in the Color tab and change the text weight and size in the Font tab.

Register Banner

This section includes a banner image and button link to your Signup page to help you encourage registration. The Register Banner Content settings are:

  • Banner Image: Select Edit Image to change the default image. You also have access to a built-in gallery of Images by Unsplash.

  • Image focal point: Enable this setting to ensure that the focal point you select will be visible on any device size. Once enabled, select the point in the image to move the red dot.

  • Image Alternative Text (Optional): Provide brief alt text for screen readers to use. This field is marked optional because decorative images don’t need alt text.

  • Title: Change the title of your banner.

  • Description: Change the description for your banner.

  • Button Text: Specify the button text. This button will automatically link to your registration page.

    Register banner content settings

You can edit the color of your Register banner section text, buttons, and backgrounds in the Color tab and change the text weight and size in the Font tab.

Who's Listening

Like the Who’s Listening widget, you can use this section to display profiles of staff members and give your site a human face. The Who’s Listening Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Member tabs: By default, there will be 3 card tabs to switch between and configure. Add a new card by selecting the + button. Drag and drop card tabs to reorder them; if you’re having trouble, it might help you zoom out on your browser so you can see all tabs.

  • Profile Photo: Select Edit Image to change the default image. We recommend using square photos to ensure it is centered on the face.

  • Image focal point: Enable this setting to ensure that the focal point you select will be visible on any device size. Once enabled, select the point in the image to move the red dot.

  • Name: Enter the staff member’s name.

  • Occupation: Enter the staff member’s role or occupation.

  • Company: Enter the staff member’s company name.

  • Email: Enter the staff member’s email address. This will display as a mailto link.

  • Delete Member: Select this to delete the profile.

    Who's listening content settings

You can edit the color of your Who’s Listening section text and backgrounds in the Color tab.


Display document links on your homepage using this section. This is like the Documents widget. The Documents Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Icon: Select Edit Image to choose from our preloaded Icons or Upload your own.

    document icon selection menu
  • Document tabs: By default, there will be 4 card tabs to switch between and configure. Add a new card by selecting the + button. Drag and drop card tabs to reorder them; if you’re having trouble, it might help you zoom out on your browser so you can see all tabs.

  • Upload document: In the Upload document tab, select Change document to upload a document from your computer.

  • Link document: In the Link document tab, paste the link to the document in the URL of external document field.

  • Name: Enter the name of the document.

  • Delete document: Select this to remove the document card.

    documents section content settings

You can edit the color of your Documents section text and backgrounds in the Color tab.

Key Dates

The Key Dates section operates like the Key Dates widget, allowing you to present important events or project dates and include a link for more information. The Key Dates Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Icon: Select Edit Image to choose from our preloaded Icons or Upload your own.

  • Date tabs: By default, there will be 3 card tabs to switch between and configure. Add a new card by selecting the + button. Drag and drop card tabs to reorder them; if you’re having trouble, it might help you zoom out on your browser so you can see all tabs.

  • Event type: Choose whether the event will be Single day or Multi day. This choice will impact the date field available to you.

  • Date fields: Use the calendar to choose the date(s). If you selected Single day, you’ll have one field; if you selected Multi day, you’ll have a Start date and an End date.

  • Name: Enter the name of the event or key date phase.

  • Description: Enter a brief description for the event or key date phase.

  • Link Text: Change the link text for your key date or leave it blank to remove the link.

  • Link URL: Enter the complete URL for the key date link. This link could be to a project page, or an internal or external page with more event details.

  • Open link in a new tab: Enable this to open the link in a new browser tab.

  • Delete date: Select this to remove the key date card.

You can edit the color of your Key Dates section text and backgrounds in the Color tab.


Like the Lifecycle widget, you can display a timeline on your homepage using the Lifecycle section. For example, you could chart the stages for a long-term project and let your community know which stage you’re in. The Lifecycle Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Icon: Select Edit Image to choose from our preloaded Icons or Upload your own.

  • Stage tabs: By default, there will be 3 card tabs to switch between and configure. Add a new card by selecting the + button. Drag and drop card tabs to reorder them; if you’re having trouble, it might help you zoom out on your browser so you can see all tabs.

  • Set current stage: Select this to mark the stage card as the current stage. This will also mark all previous stages as Finished. Please note that there is no way to automate this process.

  • Name: Enter the name of the stage.

  • Description: Enter a brief description of the stage.

  • Delete stage: Select this to remove the stage card.

    Lifecycle section content settings

You can edit the color of your Lifecycle section text and backgrounds in the Color tab.


The FAQs section is useful for answering commonly asked questions about your site, such as registration questions, how to get involved, or your organization policies. The FAQ Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Icon: Select Edit Image to choose from our preloaded Icons or Upload your own.

  • Question tabs: By default, there will be 2 card tabs to switch between and configure. Add a new card by selecting the + button. Drag and drop card tabs to reorder them; if you’re having trouble, it might help you zoom out on your browser so you can see all tabs.

  • Question: Enter the question this card is about.

  • Answer: Enter the answer to your question. If the answer requires a lot of space, consider using the accordion layout.

  • Delete link: Select this to delete the FAQ card.

You can edit the color of your FAQ section text and backgrounds in the Color tab.

Important Links

This section is based on the Important Links widget and you can add this section to highlight essential links on your homepage. The Important Links Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Icon: Select Edit Image to choose from our preloaded Icons or Upload your own.

  • Link tabs: By default, there will be 2 card tabs to switch between and configure. Add a new card by selecting the + button. Drag and drop card tabs to reorder them; if you’re having trouble, it might help you zoom out on your browser so you can see all tabs.

  • Name: Enter the link text for this card.

  • URL: Enter the complete URL for the link.

  • Open link in a new tab: Enable this to open the link in a new browser tab.

  • Delete link: Select this to remove the link card.

You can edit the color of your Important Links section text and backgrounds in the Color tab.

Freestyle Content

The Freestyle Content section provides a text editor for you to add customized content to your homepage. The Freestyle Content settings are:

  • Section Title: Add a title to introduce this section or leave it blank to remove the title.

  • Content: Use the text editor to add or edit content using text styling and formatting, images, links, and tables. By default, the layout includes a table which you can add to or remove as necessary. Additionally, this text editor does not include code view; to add code, use the Html section.

You can edit the color of your Freestyle Content section text and background in the Color tab.


Use the Title section to add a title to your homepage or hub. The Title Content tab only has the Title field, and you can change the color of the title and background in the Color tab.

title content settings

Title With Description

The Title with description section is used to provide brief content, such as an introduction to your site or hub. The Title with description Content tab only has a Title field and Description field, but you can change the text and background color in the Color tab.


Use the Video section to embed a YouTube or Vimeo video on your homepage. You can only add a video that is hosted on one of these platforms. The Video Content tab settings are:

  • Select video type: Use the drop-down menu to choose a video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo.

  • URL: Enter the complete URL of the video.

  • Title: Enter a title for the video or leave it blank to remove the section title.

You can edit the color of your Video section title and background in the Color tab.


The Html section allows you to add HTML code in the available field, such as you could embed third-party content.

The Html section only accepts correct HTML syntax and tags, including script, meta, link, style, and base.

HTML content settings

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