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Display FAQs on Your Project

Use the FAQ widget to display the answers to frequently asked questions on your consultation.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over 4 months ago

The FAQs widget is a great way to present frequently asked questions and their answers and provide your community with commonly sought information. You can use them to explain:

  • Rules and policies of your engagement site

  • Plans and definitions from your consultation

  • Frequently asked questions from a Q&A tool

  • Points or processes your participants may be concerned about

  • The benefits and considerations of the project

Add the FAQ Widget

To add the FAQ widget:

  1. Select Add Widgets on your project page.

  2. Choose FAQs from the Select Widgets menu.

  3. By default, the widget is called FAQs; you can use the pen icon next to the title to edit it. If you don’t want a title, check the Hide title box.

  4. Select Add FAQ from the Add FAQ drop-down menu to write a new question and answer.

  5. Use the Question field to write your question and the Answer field to provide the answer. The Question field has a character limit of 255, but the Answer field has no limit.

  6. Save & Close your FAQ and repeat steps 4-6 to add as many FAQs as required.

  7. You can also select Copy Existing FAQ to use a question from another project. Choose the project from the Select project drop-down menu, check each FAQ you want to copy, and select Add to Widget.

  8. Preview your project to see how the widget looks. Only the checked FAQs will display on the project page; all unchecked questions are visible behind the More... link, which takes you to the FAQ widget's standalone page.

Widgets are automatically saved and published to your project and listed in the widgets section of your project page. The FAQs widget will show how many questions are in the widget. You can also use the drop-down menu to Show or Hide it on your project, the bin icon to delete it, or select the title to edit it.

Manage FAQs and Folders

By default, all checked FAQs are listed in the widget area of your project page, and participants can select a question to see the answer on the FAQ page. You can Add FAQs whenever you want and create folders to house them.

This is helpful if you want to differentiate between subjects of questions. For example, you could have a folder for questions about the consultation, plans and designs, project timing or disruptions, or how their contributions are implemented.

To add a folder and manage FAQs:

  1. Select the FAQs title in your widgets list.

  2. Enter a folder name in the New folder name text field and select Create.

  3. Drag and drop FAQs into the folder to nest them, or in the list to reorder them.

  4. Check each FAQ and folder you want to display on the project page or uncheck them to display them only on the standalone FAQ page.

  5. Select the pen icon to edit the question or folder and the bin icon to delete them. Deleting a folder will delete all FAQs inside it.

  6. Enable Collapse all folders to only show the folders on your project page; participants can expand them to see the questions within them.

You can also use the FAQs widget on your homepage to display frequently asked questions about your site and how participants can engage with you and your site.

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