When you first gain access to your EngagementHQ platform, you have to go through a couple of steps to access your site.
Site Lock
When we create a site for you, we will share a unique link that will allow you to view the site without logging in. You will then be redirected to your Homepage.
Dashboard Login
Click on the Sign In link from the header and the sign-in pop-up box will appear.
If you have a site admin account but have not set a password yet, click on Forgot password? and you can set your own, secure password.
If somebody has assigned you a password already, enter the details and click on Sign In.
This will open the EngagementHQ dashboard.
What's Next?
Next, learn how to set up your engagement team by giving access to your team members so they are also able to log into EngagementHQ.
Contact our support team if you need any further assistance via chat or email support@engagementhq.com