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View Site History in the Audit Trail

Learn how to access and view the audit trail.

Deepa Prabhu avatar
Written by Deepa Prabhu
Updated over 2 months ago

The Audit Trail is a log of actions taken on your site. These actions can be admin events on the back end or participant activity through the live site. You can use the filters to find specific events, such as which admin edited a project page at what time.

To use the Audit Trail:

  1. Expand Site Management in the main menu and select Audit Trail.

  2. Use the drop-down menus to choose your filters and select Show Advanced Filters to further refine the log. The filters available are:

    • Search projects: check each project you want to include or filter by status (all published, draft, or archived) or by Site settings (alterations to your site settings, newsletters, logins, etc.). You must select a project or Site settings to see any events.

    • Date range: select a timeframe of events or select Custom to choose an exact period. You can select up to one year prior to the current date.

    • Select tool: include all tools or choose to filter by the type of tool. You can select all instances of a tool, but not one specific tool; for example, you can select all ideas or surveys, not one specific ideas board or survey. To see a specific tool, use the other filters to narrow down the list.

    • Select section: filter by Participant activities, Admin activities, or All.

  3. Use the search bar to find a specific activity by keyword.

  4. View the filtered activity in the log.

  5. Use the pagination to switch between pages and the drop-down menu to show more items per page.

The Audit Trail log will display:

  • User: the participant or admin who made the action.

  • Action: the type of event and on which page or setting it was made.

  • Time: the date and time the action was logged. This is based on your browser’s time zone and displays an additional timestamp for the UTC offset to refer to the difference between your time zone and UTC. You can reorder this column by selecting the arrows.

  • Permalink: contains a link to the relevant project page. This link leads to the project page in admin, even for submitted actions, and this column will show N/A for Site settings actions.

To view actions further than a year, you must contact our support team via chat or emailing

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