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How to use the Videos widget to host videos in your project

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 4 months ago

The Videos widget lets you upload or embed videos in the widget area of your project. It is built to be accessible and responsive to assistive technology, and you can include transcripts and subtitles.

You can have as many video widgets as necessary or display multiple videos in the same widget. When the user selects a video to watch, they are taken to the standalone videos page where they can watch it.

The Videos widget supports:

  • File types: MP4, MPEG, MOV (Quicktime), FLV

  • Embed links: YouTube and Vimeo

If you use a non-supported platform for videos, such as Wistia or Loom, you can still embed them into the project description via Code view < >. Look for a share or embed option, and then copy and paste the responsive code snippet into the code view of your project description and save your changes.

Add the Videos Widget

Widgets are listed in the right-hand content area of your project page. To add the Videos widget:

  1. Select Add Widgets on your project page and choose Videos from the Select Widgets menu.

  2. The widget title will automatically be Videos, but you can use the pen icon to edit it or check Hide title to hide it.

  3. Select Add Video from the Add Video drop-down menu to upload or embed a video in the widget.

  4. Select Copy Existing Video to use a video from another project’s Videos widget. Choose the relevant project from the Select project drop-down, check each video you want to copy, and select Add to Widget.

  5. In the Videos list, you can use the pen icon to edit the video’s details and the bin icon to delete them. The pin icon indicates that the video will show on your project page.

  6. You can also choose how to order your videos and use the number field to decide how many to show. Any additional videos are visible behind the More... link, which takes you to the standalone Videos widget page. You can choose from:

    • Show Top (in the order the photos are in)

    • Show Recent (the most recently added first)

  7. Preview your project to see how the widget looks.

Widgets are automatically saved and published to your project and listed in the widgets section of your project page. The Videos widget will show how many videos are in the widget. You can also use the drop-down menu to Show or Hide it on your project, the bin icon to delete it, or select the title to edit it.

You can add as many Videos widgets as you want to your project.

Upload a Video

When you select Upload Video, you can choose and open the correct video from your computer. You can upload files up to 200 MB. Once uploaded, you can give the video a:

  • Caption: The video's title, which appears on the project page and Videos page.

  • Description: The description of the video which appears on the Videos page below the title.

  • Transcript: Provide a transcript of the video, which links to a separate page from the Videos page.

  • Thumbnail: Select from three default thumbnail images to display on the project page

  • Subtitle: Select Upload File to provide a file for subtitles.

You can edit these details at any time by selecting the pen icon to edit the video, but always Save & Close when you’re finished.

Embed a Video

You can embed YouTube or Vimeo links via the Embed Video option. Paste the video’s URL into the Link to a video field, add a Caption as a title (character limit of 255), and a Description if desired.

Save & Close your video when you’re finished.

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