Our integration with Campaign Monitor allows you to sync your participant database into Campaign Monitor to send newsletters and emails to all mailing lists from one platform.
The Campaign Monitor integration will allow you to:
Sync your verified and subscribed participants and administrators to your Campaign Monitor mailing list, including their profile information.
Create a specific list in Campaign Monitor for EngagementHQ participants.
Mirror any participant groups you create in EngagementHQ in Campaign Monitor as segments of your mailing list.
Configure the integration once and allow it to run automatically.
If you want to learn more about this integration, please contact us via chat or by emailing support@engagementhq.com.
How it Works
Once enabled, your participant list from EngagementHQ will sync to your Campaign Monitor account all at once, then once daily with new registrations. This integration will sync:
Verified participants who have completed the registration process; imported and invited participants are synced once they have logged in at least once.
Subscribed participants who have not selected Unsubscribe from any EngagementHQ newsletters.
Project followers who have entered their email addresses and subscribed to a project’s Follow Project widget.
All admins on your site.
The participants’ responses to your Signup Form will also sync to Campaign Monitor, and any participant groups you create will sync as a segment of your list. This allows you to maintain specific recipient groups for newsletter updates in Campaign Monitor.
You may see a difference in numbers between your EngagementHQ participants and your Campaign Monitor list. There are several possible reasons for this:
Project followers, Site Admins, and Hub Admins are not included in your Participants list but will sync to Campaign Monitor.
Recipients can unsubscribe from Campaign Monitor updates and be added to the suppression list but still be included on your EngagementHQ Participants list.
The sync runs once a day, so your most recently registered participants might not have synced to Campaign Monitor yet.
Configuration Steps
You will configure the integration via Sassler using the details that we will provide you.
Go to the URL we provide; the domain will contain “sassler.”
Use the configuration credential we provided to login to the configuration screen. These credentials are specific to configuration and will not work with EngagementHQ or Campaign Monitor.
Select EHQ Details in the top right and add your EngagementHQ login details.
Select My Integrations in the top right.
Select the Set up your account for import button next to Campaign Monitor and enter your Campaign Monitor login credentials.
In the Integration Settings screen, Select a Campaign Monitor client if you have more than one and enter a New List name. This List is where you participants and admins will sync.
Select Finish.
The first time you sync to Campaign Monitor might take some time. Check your Campaign Monitor list after an hour or so to confirm the complete list is synced. After this, your participants will sync to Campaign Monitor once a day.
Please note that we cannot access your Campaign Monitor account or login credentials. We connect with Campaign Monitor via OAuth2.0, and when you log into Campaign Monitor, we are sent an authorization token that allows us to push your participant list to Campaign Monitor.
This also means that we cannot provide support for Campaign Monitor functionality. Please reach out to the Campaign Monitor support team for help with their product.