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Set Colors for the Fresh and Bold Project Themes
Set Colors for the Fresh and Bold Project Themes

How to set colors for project page elements when using the Fresh or Bold theme.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 3 months ago

The color palette you choose for your EngagementHQ site will help determine the look and feel of your site and create consistency across your organization’s other websites.

Once you set your Brand Color in Global Styles, you’ll see it reflected in the Color section of your Project Styles if you selected the Fresh or Bold project theme. If you are using the Classic theme, your color options are different.

The Fresh and Bold themes allow you granular control over the colors used on your project pages. You can set the colors for all project pages; you cannot change the colors for individual projects. To edit the project colors:

  1. Go to Appearance > Project Styles > Color.

  2. Select the color swatch or hex code for any color to change it. You can use the up and down arrows to switch between hex codes, RGB, or HSL.

  3. Enable Advanced Color Overrides to see the complete list of available options.

    The advanced color options in project styles
  4. Select Save when you’re finished or Reset colors to start again.

Always ensure that your colors meet color contrast accessibility standards.

The project color overrides are (please note that all images below are using the Fresh theme):

Project & Tool Pages:

  • Breadcrumb Link: the links at the top of the page showing the content pathway.

    An example of breadcurmb links
  • Link: linked text, including all links in widgets and the tool title link for Surveys, Places, Stories posts, news articles, and Forum links.

    An example of links in body text
  • Page background: project, tool, and static page backgrounds.

Advanced Color Overrides:

  • Buttons

    • Button text: the text color of your buttons.

    • Primary button: the background color of your buttons.

      An example of a red primary button with white button text
  • Tools

    • Tool Card Background: the background color of tool content areas and your project description.

      A tool card with a grey card background
    • Tool Title Text: the text in your project title, the title of Q&A, Quick Poll, Guestbook, and Stories, response counts, and title on the standalone Places and Forum pages.

      An example of red tool title text in the questions tool
    • Tool secondary text: the screenname and submission date for contributions and comments, and the comment count.

      An example of tool secondary text in a forum comment
    • Tool body text: the project description text, page published date, social media icons, tool description and contribution content, Quick Poll options, Lifecycle stage titles, and the Related Projects status headings.

      An example of black tool body text
  • Tool Tabs

    • Tab text: the text color for inactive tool tabs.

      An example of grey tab text
    • Tab card background: the background color of the tool tab content area.

      An example of a light grey tab card background
    • Active tab text: the text color of the selected tool tab.

    • Active tab background: the background color of the selected tool tab.

      An example of an active tab with a red background and white text
    • Tab background (Bold theme only): the background color behind all tool tabs.

      grey tab background on the bold theme
  • Widgets

    • Widget card background: the background color for all widget content cards.

      light grey widget card background
    • Widget title: the title for all widgets.

      black widget title text
    • Widget secondary text (Fresh theme only): the dates in the Key Dates widget.

    • Widget body text: the text color in the Who’s Listening, Lifecycle, Follow Project, Custom, and Quick Poll widgets.

    • Widget icon color: the icon color for Key Dates, FAQs, Documents, and Related Projects.

    • Widget column background: the content area column for widgets.

Please note that the Fresh and Bold themes have different default colors, but changes you make will remain when you switch between these two themes. Select Reset colors to go back to the theme defaults. Colors you choose in the Classic theme will not remain if you switch to the Fresh or Bold theme.

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