The Global Styles section of the Appearance Editor allows you to incorporate your organization’s branding into your EngagementHQ site. To access Global Styles, go to Appearance > Global Styles and select the option for:
Brand Color
Shadows & Corner Styles
As you adjust your settings, you can see the changes on your homepage preview, and when you Save the changes are immediately live.
Brand Color
Your organization is likely to have a series of brand colors. In this section, you can use the color picker or a hex code to choose your primary Brand Color. Select Save when you’ve chosen your color.
This color is used for elements on your homepage, projects, static pages, widget pages, and tool pages. These elements include:
Links and breadcrumbs
Tool titles and active tabs
Widget titles and icons
You can set more specific project colors in the Project Styles section of the Appearance Editor. You can also change the color of buttons and other elements of each homepage section, including your header and footer.
Set your organization’s font family and sizes in the Font section of Global Styles. You can:
Use the dropdown menus to set the Global Font Family for your Title Font and Content Font. Please note that the Content Font is also used for descriptions, and we recommend choosing the same font for both for consistency across your site.
Use the sliders to adjust the Font Sizes for the Section Title (ideal size 32px), Project & widget titles (ideal size 24px), and Content and buttons (ideal size 16px). Each of these has preset ideal sizes that are optimized for all devices.
Save when you’ve made your font choices.
Shadows & Corner Styles
In Shadows & Corner Styles, you can control the styling for project cards and other content containers on your homepage. You can choose:
Shadow: no shadow, slight shadow, or heavy shadow
Corners: straight-edged corner, slightly rounded, or rounded
Save when you’ve made your choices.