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About Unverified Participation

What it means to allow unverified participants.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 2 weeks ago

All the EngagementHQ tools allow unverified participation, which you can enable by going to the tool’s Settings tab and toggling the Allow unverified participation setting.

the allow unverified participation setting enabled in tool settings

Unverified participation means that any community member can contribute once they provide an email address and a screen name and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This means the participant does not have to register on your site, which might encourage participation.

Unverified contributions are still captured in reports, and after submitting, they are sent an email asking if they want to verify their email address and register as a participant. Their previous response will be attributed to their new participant account if they register. The email reads:

Hi [screenname]

Thank you for posting a comment on ‘[site name]’.

Please take the next step and Register here. ‘[verify registration link]’

Registering will help us keep you informed about this project and others.

It will make it easier for you to sign in next time you visit us.

By telling us a little bit about yourself, you help us know that we are reaching the broader community.

Thank you

The team at ‘[site name]’

While unverified participation can help to encourage participation, there are some limitations:

  • There is no way to validate the email address before submission.

  • Users can contribute multiple times using unverified participation, which can skew your data.

  • No demographic information will be attached to the submission unless it’s a survey and you put the questions in.

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