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About the Places Tool

Understand how the participant will view and use the places tool

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over a month ago

The Places tool is an interactive mapping tool that captures geospatial feedback about your consultation. You can use this tool to collect community views about specific locations, feedback on established plans, or collect and display places of interest.

Places is an extensive tool with several key features, including the ability to:

  • Add multiple pin categories to identify different kinds of locations

  • Collect comments, images, and survey responses along with location data

  • Set your map location and select from seven map styles for the map area

  • Restrict feedback to a geographic boundary using our Custom layer tool

  • Add multiple layers with information in customized colors

  • Use shape and line markers to provide additional information

  • Upload WMS, KML, Shapefile, and GeoJSON layers

  • Use the Share tab to embed your Places map into your corporate website

Using the Places Tool

After adding the Places tool, you can Preview it to see how your participants will interact with it.

Places in the tool tab with the preview, edit and share buttons

Participants can access the tool through the tool tab on the project page. They’ll see the Title and Description, which you can use to provide instructions on how to use the tool.

When viewing the map, participants can:

  • Select Go To Map in the project's tool tab to see the full-screen version of the map where they can start adding pins.

the places tool in the project tool tabs
  • When they open the Places tool, participants will see the About pop-up explaining the map's purpose and can select View the map to start participating. If they choose Help, they can read instructions about contributing. Once they exit the About pop-up, they can choose the i icon to see it again.

    the about the map pop-up when opening the places tool
  • The Activity feed allows them to see other participant's contributions to the tool, including the comments and images they left.

  • Participants can select the thumbs-up icon to like the post and the pin to see the location.

the activity feed with a thumb-up icon for participants to like a post
  • Participants can report a contribution by clicking on the three dots on the right side of the post.

  • On a mobile device, participants will only see the Activity feed after they click on the View the map button in the About modal and select the Activity feed icon to view other posts.

    the places tool on a mobile with the activity feed icon
  • On a mobile device, to return to the map from the Activity feed, click on the map icon.

    the activity feed on a mobile with the map icon highlighted
  • To view posts from other participants:

    • Desktop: Select a pin to view the pin details in the right side panel.

    • Mobile: Select a pin to view the pin summary and select the post to view the pin details.

  • Participants can now order the Activity feed by Newest posts or Most likes.

the activity sorting options
  • Participants can use the Filter pins icon to select which pins they want to see on the map. On consultations with high participation, they can filter out inessential pins and display only the ones they want to see. They can also enable Show only my pins to filter any pins they did not contribute. Please note that participants cannot turn layers off.

    the filter pins menu
  • Select the New Pin button to add a pin and choose from the available pin categories in the Choose a type of pin dropdown.

    the create a pin options after selecting new pin
  • A pin icon will display on the map and slowly flash until participants complete all details in Create a pin and the Post button is selected.

  • Participants can drag the pin to their desired location. If Display address on pins is selected in Settings, then the address of the pin location will display

  • Select the Zoom in and Zoom out options, use the search box to search for a specific address, or pinpoint their location if their browser allows it.

    the zoom and search icons on the places map
  • Select the share icon to share the tool on their social media platforms.

To add a pin:

  1. Once a participant selects New Pin, they will see the Create a pin menu. They can Choose a type of pin and drag and drop the desired pin to the correct location. If you have set a restricted boundary, participants cannot submit until they drop the pin inside a boundary.

    the create a pin menu with the pin type dropdown menu expanded
  2. Participants can use the Your comment text field to add a comment, Add an image if enabled, and answer any survey questions you added.

  3. If you enable Show address on pins, the address will display above the placed pin.

  4. Participants can Post their contribution once ready or select the Cancel button to cancel and delete the pin.

  5. After submitting, participants can use the three dots menu to Edit the comment, image, or pin position, and to Delete the pin.

    the edit and delete menu on a pin

After you add Places to a project, we recommend testing your new Places tool on a mobile device so you can understand the complete participant experience.

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