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Download a Demographics Report

Learn how to download your complete community database information or explore your participant demographics.

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 4 months ago

The Demographics Report in the Reporting section of your EngagementHQ site allows you to download your Participants database. The report contains participant information for all participants and Project Administrators, regardless of their status.

To download your Demographics Report:

  1. Go to Reporting > Project Reports, choose your Projects and date range and select Update.

  2. Expand the Download Report menu and choose either Selected Projects or All Projects under Demographics Report.

    demographic report options in the download reports menu
  3. To export the complete Participants list, ensure that you select a Custom date range and include today’s date, and choose All Projects.

The report includes a range of participant data, including:

  • The number of Aware, Informed, and Engaged users, divided by user type (anonymous, unverified, or registered).

  • Personal details for each participant, such as screenname, email, and IP address.

  • Information about participants’ registration, such as when they joined, were last seen, their status (active, blocked, or pending), and if they are subscribed or were imported.

  • The number of Aware Visits, Informed Actions, and Engaged Contributions for each participant.

  • The Associated Project, which refers to the project through which they first engaged. For example, the project they registered through using a Signup Banner or the first project they contributed to.

  • Each participant’s answers to your Signup Form questions, including questions you have deleted.

You can filter each column in this report to see specific subsets of participant data. For example, in the Project Reports you can see the number of New Registrations for the chosen timeframe, but only for Active participants.

Additionally, this report will tell you if a user is subscribed but not if they are following a specific project; you can only retrieve a list of project followers while creating a newsletter.

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