In your reports, you’ll see statistics for Visitors, Contributors, and Responses. These metrics give you a deeper understanding of how users interact with your surveys.
These metrics refer to:
Visitors: The number of individual visitors your survey page has received. Please note that this number may differ from project reports or site visits recorded elsewhere.
Contributors: The number of people who submitted your survey. This metric is also broken down by participation type to show the amount of admin, registered, unverified, and anonymous submissions.
Responses: The number of submissions for this survey. This is also broken down into participation types, including admin, registered, unverified, and anonymous. Please note that this number may be greater than the number of Contributors, depending on the survey’s participation type. For example, if you choose Registered Single as your participation type, registered users can submit once, but if you set Registered Multiple, registered users can submit more than once. Similarly, if you circulated hard-copy surveys, an admin account may make multiple submissions.