There are two types of logic you can add to your surveys:
Conditional logic: show or hide questions based on previous answers
Skip logic: skip to specific questions or pages based on previous answers
Deciding which type of logic to use depends on what you’re trying to achieve with your survey; browse the table below to choose which option is better suited.
| Conditional logic | Skip logic |
How it works: | Create branching within your survey by showing or hiding questions based on previous answers. Conditional logic is created in a hierarchy, and you can create conditional questions based on other conditional questions. | Create different routes within your survey by skipping to questions or pages based on previous answers. Always use skip logic to move a participant forward in your survey. |
Use it when: |
It takes effect: | Immediately after the parent question is answered. | After completing the page, when your participant selects Next. |
Here’s an example: | Question: Did you enjoy the engagement process?
Answer choice:
| Question: Are you a resident or business owner?
Answer choice: